Unexpected block drops when used with OtherDrops
WayGroovy opened this issue ยท 5 comments
PreciousStones modification of the item dropped on owner break of a protection field overrides the settings in other plugins which affect block break drop.
Request possible integration into OtherDrops, or a config setting to set PreciousStones behavior on field block owner creator break drop to not interact/override.
Thank you,
I'm a little confused as to what you are asking for. But as I understand it, for example, you want a Precious Stone that was Lapis Ore to drop as something other than Lapis Ore which happens to be configured in the plugin "Other Drops"?
How PS Works:
When /ps off, place a block of Lapis Ore. This will then break into Lapis Lazuli (no matter if /ps on OR /ps off).
When /ps on, place a block of Lapis Ore. This will then break into Lapis Ore (no matter if /ps on OR /ps off).
Is there a reason to have it any other way?
Not all combat is pvp. The majority of my servers combat is vs modified mobs, via MonsterApocalypse.
Thank you for the quick reply. I've been avoiding economy plugins, trying to simulate economy with in game items... Guess I'll just have to tinker with it to see how to make it work the way I want. Cheers.
I'm a bit confused here by your comment DJCJ, so I will be specific with my example, and the reasoning behind it.
I am trying to use 57, DIAMOND_BLOCK, as a Precious Stone field.
I am using CityWorld generator as a custom map. Unfortunately, iron, gold, and diamond blocks are plentiful in the generation of the world.
Instead of having users with far too redundant resources I used OtherDrops to nerf these blocks. On break, they drop similar colored wool, unless using a gold pickaxe, which drops some, but not all, of the components that make these blocks.
By using 57 as a Precious Stone, a user would have had to collect 9 diamonds and craft them into a block.
In order to prevent users from simply always carrying around a 57 in their inventory, and dropping it at their feet mid combat, I need that block to behave as I expected it set up from Other Drops.
However, when a precious stone is broken, the PreciousStones plugin takes priority and determines what item is dropped.
I do not see why this feature is in PreciousStones. No where in the writeup of the plugin does it state that it modifies or forces what a block dropped item will be, nor is there the ability to turn off this feature when a different overriding plugin would be utilized.
Now, as far as your discussion on /ps off and /ps on, I am unclear. Are you describing in game commands? If so, they are unlisted on the overview page. In addition, you state:
If /ps off, Result 1, no matter if /ps on or ps off
If /ps on, Result 2, no matter if /ps on or ps off.
I have no idea what that means or what you are trying to convey. If contition 1, result 1, no matter if condition 1 or condition 2... I am confused.
Thank you.
You are correct, PreciousStones will modify what block is dropped on break, but only if the block is placed as a PreciousStone. Example: diamond ore found in the wild will break into a diamond, but diamond ore that has been placed as a PreciousStone will break into the ore block instead of the diamond. (I don't think there is a way to change this in the config.)
You mentioned the need to prevent players from placing blocks mid combat, checkout the flag:
no-player-place: true
"When enabled one will not be able to place a block if the area it covers has players inside it."
On my server, I also use build prices (economy using Iconomy plugin) to prevent random placements (since someone could potentially steal their block). But this way it at least charges the user money.
Example: price: 25
I don't use the following feature, but if it was a huge problem you could set this in your config file (assuming you are using Iconomy mod plugin)
no-refund-for-fields: false