PermissionsEx and Adding Allowed Groups
codezomb opened this issue ยท 5 comments
I"m loving the plugin, great work. However, when attempting to add a group to a protection field the group is ignored:
I'm running the following command:
/ps allow g:moderator
/ps allow g:member
The above doesn't work, however adding a specific users does in fact work. I figure I'm probably missing a permissions node somewhere, but for the moment I've just had to add my moderators to the bypass until I can figure out what's going on. Any help would be awesome.
This works though:
/ps allow *
forgot to mention, using PEX w/ the following permissions:
- preciousstones.benefit.*
- preciousstones.whitelist.*
Sorry I didn't provide more info last night, it was late.
I upgraded to the latest version from the bukkit dev page last night, and kept the same settings.
Running version is 9.1.0