Integrate World Edit compatibility? Huge bypass currently.
Nananea opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Phaed, I've just now noticed that people can bypass all protections with the use of any of World Edit's commands (// super pickaxe, //replace, etc).
Is there any way this can be changed, please?
My scenario is that people that donate to my server are allowed the use of some World Edit commands. Regardless of permissions set up with PStones, they are able to bypass those with super pickaxe or any commands with World Edit.
Thank you!
Will be possible when feature #654 is complete:
It's not or else the issue would be closed. WorldEdit devs have not gotten around to setting up the proper events yet. There was some talk about this 6 months ago and it has been abandoned. Their development cycle is realllllllllly slow.