changing welcome/leave messages of ps
noxturno opened this issue ยท 1 comments
08.01 21:12:58 [Server] INFO Player: Izoth Command: /ps toggle farewell-message
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.MinecraftServer.q(
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.DedicatedServer.r(
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.MinecraftServer.r(
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.DedicatedServerConnection.b(SourceFile:30)
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.ServerConnection.b(SourceFile:39)
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.PlayerConnection.d(
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.NetworkManager.b(
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.Packet3Chat.handle(
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.PlayerConnection.a(
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.PlayerConnection.handleCommand(
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_6.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.managers.CommandManager.onCommand(
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO Error: null
08.01 21:12:53 [Server] INFO Player: Izoth Command: /ps toggle farewell-mess
08.01 21:12:49 [Server] INFO Player: T3hdrakkus Command: /home
08.01 21:12:40 [Server] INFO Player: Izoth Command: /ps info
08.01 21:12:37 [Server] INFO Player: noxturno Command: /tp T3hdrakkus
08.01 21:12:37 [Server] INFO Player: Izoth Command: /ps info
08.01 21:12:35 [Server] INFO Player: MadGuru1902 Command: /spawn
08.01 21:12:31 [Server] INFO Player: noxturno Command: /tp Dallocorte
08.01 21:12:25 [Server] INFO Player: Izoth Command: /ps setname Izoth's Castle
08.01 21:12:25 [Server] INFO Player: Dallocorte Command: /money
08.01 21:12:19 [Server] INFO Player: Izoth Command: /ps more
08.01 21:12:06 [Server] INFO Player: Izoth Command: /ps name Izoth's Castle
08.01 21:12:00 [Server] INFO Player: Izoth Command: /ps
08.01 21:11:55 [Server] INFO mmaaxx -> MadGuru1902: t3hdrakkus said hes coming with lava
08.01 21:11:55 [Server] INFO Player: mmaaxx Command: /tell madguru1902 t3hdrakkus said hes coming with lava
08.01 21:11:30 [Server] INFO Player: Izoth Command: /ps toggle welcome-message
08.01 21:11:28 [Server] INFO Player: noxturno Command: /ch g
08.01 21:11:27 [Server] INFO [KoM] MadGuru1902: hahaha
08.01 21:11:26 [Server] INFO noxturno -> Izoth: LOL
08.01 21:11:20 [Server] INFO [VaP] T3hdrakkus: was testing your weak mind
08.01 21:11:17 [Server] INFO [DNK] FyoraSilverwolf: find out yea or nay on that
08.01 21:11:17 [Server] INFO [VaP] T3hdrakkus: take it all
08.01 21:11:14 [Server] INFO [VaP] T3hdrakkus: piece of shit
08.01 21:11:13 [Server] INFO [VaP] T3hdrakkus: fuck you
08.01 21:11:13 [Server] INFO [DNK] FyoraSilverwolf: Idk, nox was talking about possibly putting roads or something again, so I'd leave it as is until we
08.01 21:11:13 [Server] INFO Player: noxturno Command: /tp T3hdrakkus
08.01 21:11:09 [Server] INFO [EOM] md1atlas22: hehe.
08.01 21:11:08 [Server] INFO [KoM] MadGuru1902: well your armour and shit is still there
08.01 21:11:04 [Server] INFO [VaP] T3hdrakkus: dont take everyhting :/
08.01 21:11:02 [Server] INFO [VaP] T3hdrakkus: madguru
08.01 21:10:58 [Server] INFO [EOM] md1atlas22: Nope.
08.01 21:10:54 [Server] INFO [EOM] md1atlas22: well not again for me
08.01 21:10:52 [Server] INFO [AON] markiel_tero: anyone else getting d/c'd a lot?
08.01 21:10:50 [Disconnect] User LordKaplan has disconnected, reason: disconnect.quitting
08.01 21:10:50 [Server] INFO Connection reset
08.01 21:10:47 [Server] INFO [EOM] md1atlas22: later on maybe we could build a giant shop agaom
08.01 21:10:45 [Server] INFO Player: Izoth Command: /ps insert welcome-message Izoth's Castle
08.01 21:10:40 [Multicraft] markiel_tero ran command Message of the Day
08.01 21:10:40 [Connect] User markiel_tero, IP
08.01 21:10:39 [Server] INFO mmaaxx: and then i got killed in the process
08.01 21:10:36 [Server] INFO [VaP] Aeroice: yeah, we baited you, wait for the surprise
08.01 21:10:32 [Disconnect] User markiel_tero has disconnected, reason: disconnect.endOfStream
08.01 21:10:32 [Server] INFO Connection reset
08.01 21:10:30 [Server] INFO mmaaxx: i was taking my stuff back
08.01 21:10:22 [Server] INFO mmaaxx: no
08.01 21:10:22 [Server] INFO Player: Izoth Command: /ps info
08.01 21:10:20 [Server] INFO [DNK] FyoraSilverwolf: lol, I still need to go set up a third one.
08.01 21:10:17 [Server] INFO [KoM] MadGuru1902: xD
08.01 21:10:16 [Server] INFO [KoM] MadGuru1902: was that an attempted trap
08.01 21:10:06 [Server] INFO [EOM] md1atlas22: o-o
08.01 21:10:03 [Server] INFO [EOM] md1atlas22: funded a new chestshop.
08.01 21:10:02 [Server] INFO Player: Izoth Command: /ps insert greeting welcome
08.01 21:09:53 [Server] INFO Player: Izoth Command: /ps insert flag
08.01 21:09:52 [Server] INFO Player: md1atlas22 Command: /bal
08.01 21:09:50 [Server] INFO Player: LordKaplan Command: /money
08.01 21:09:47 [Server] INFO mmaaxx burned to death
08.01 21:09:41 [Server] INFO [EOM] md1atlas22: thanks kaplan.
08.01 21:09:40 [Server] INFO Player: Izoth Command: /ps more
08.01 21:09:36 [Server] INFO LordKaplan bought 4 Leather for 10.00 from md1atlas22 at [Tartarus Realm] -4, 77, -137
08.01 21:09:36 [Server] INFO LordKaplan bought 4 Leather for 10.00 from md1atlas22 at [Tartarus Realm] -4, 77, -137
08.01 21:09:35 [Server] INFO LordKaplan bought 4 Leather for 10.00 from md1atlas22 at [Tartarus Realm] -4, 77, -137
08.01 21:09:35 [Server] INFO LordKaplan bought 4 Leather for 10.00 from md1atlas22 at [Tartarus Realm] -4, 77, -137
08.01 21:09:35 [Server] INFO Player: T3hdrakkus Command: /home
08.01 21:09:35 [Server] INFO LordKaplan bought 4 Leather for 10.00 from md1atlas22 at [Tartarus Realm] -4, 77, -137
08.01 21:09:34 [Server] INFO LordKaplan bought 4 Leather for 10.00 from md1atlas22 at [Tartarus Realm] -4, 77, -137
08.01 21:09:33 [Server] INFO LordKaplan bought 4 Leather for 10.00 from md1atlas22 at [Tartarus Realm] -4, 77, -137
08.01 21:09:33 [Server] INFO LordKaplan bought 4 Leather for 10.00 from md1atlas22 at [Tartarus Realm] -4, 77, -137
08.01 21:09:31 [Server] INFO LordKaplan bought 4 Leather for 10.00 from md1atlas22 at [Tartarus Realm] -4, 77, -137
08.01 21:09:31 [Server] INFO Aeroice burned to death
08.01 21:09:30 [Server] INFO LordKaplan bought 4 Leather for 10.00 from md1atlas22 at [Tartarus Realm] -4, 77, -137
08.01 21:09:29 [Server] INFO LordKaplan bought 4 Leather for 10.00 from md1atlas22 at [Tartarus Realm] -4, 77, -137
08.01 21:09:27 [Server] INFO LordKaplan bought 4 Leather for 10.00 from md1atlas22 at [Tartarus Realm] -4, 77, -137
08.01 21:09:27 [Server] INFO Player: Izoth Command: /ps more
08.01 21:09:26 [Server] INFO LordKaplan bought 4 Leather for 10.00 from md1atlas22 at [Tartarus Realm] -4, 77, -137
08.01 21:09:20 [Server] INFO LordKaplan bought 1 Cooked Chicken for 9.00 from FyoraSilverwolf at [Tartarus Realm] -1, 76, -139
08.01 21:09:19 [Server] INFO LordKaplan bought 1 Cooked Chicken for 9.00 from FyoraSilverwolf at [Tartarus Realm] -1, 76, -139
08.01 21:09:14 [Server] INFO Player: LordKaplan Command: /money
08.01 21:08:59 [Server] INFO Player: Gobbls Command: /home
08.01 21:08:56 [Server] INFO Player: Aeroice Command: /home
08.01 21:08:53 [Server] INFO Player: mmaaxx Command: /pay madguru1902 400
08.01 21:08:51 [Server] INFO Player: Izoth Command: /ps setname Izoth