


Error "Cannot place field blocks inside translocation fields" but im not using translocation ?

ohjays opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Im having trouble placing grief revert and creature repellers near each other( mind you they are all ive been using at the moment ) they will no longer do so ( always used to ) and throw the following error message "Cannot place field blocks inside translocation fields" , im not using any translocation fields and its a clean area, i can place multiple repellers overlapping, but once i place grief revert the trouble starts, cant overlap with itself or a repeller. I can also no longer have grief revert overlapping, it seems to be grief revert thats causing "grief" granted im running under mcpc-plus perhaps thats the issue
just posting it here for your attention, figure you may have a clue , i dont :)

Anyone have an idea whats changed or happening here ?


Just notice i cant place the godstone either when "grief prevention" is there same error


I am also having this problem, it seems that the grief-revert flag seems to count as a type of translocation field now. Another issue I've got is that the grief revert black list does not work anymore, neither does the "allow-grief" option. I'm trying to make materials such as diamond or gold blocks drop and not revert, so people can steal them.