


[BUG] Able to use cuboid drawing mode to overlap fields into 'no-conflict: false' fields

zanetheinsane opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Cuboid drawing mode does not check to see if the completed cuboid's field would intersect or overlap a field for which no-conflict is set to false.

Normally when you place the cuboid there is a check to make sure the default area does not overlap any fields it's not supposed to. All you have to do is make sure to place your pstone the minimum distance away from a field and enter cuboid drawing mode. As long as you shorten one side enough you can lengthen the other side so that it engulfs any fields.

Tested on version 6.4.2 with CB1317.


fixed on next version


I was able to successfully reproduce this bug with version 7 running CB1317. I used two standard players with permissions that only players would be allowed (benefit and whitelist) and manually double-checked each player's permissions in-game to make sure they were correct.

The exact process I used to create this bug:

  1. Using a pstone (we'll call this Protect) with radius: 0 and custom-volume: 8000. Pstone has 'no-conflict: false' defined.
  2. Player1 creates a dummy structure, uses a Protect block. Enters cuboid drawing mode, designs cuboid to protect structure.
  3. Player2 places a Protect block outside of the range of Player1's and enters cuboid drawing mode, designs cuboid such that it envelops the structure.

You now have two fields overlapping the same area, owned by two different players. The problem this creates is that you can grief a player by placing a pstone with "prevent-destroy" and "prevent-place", such as a pstone you would normally use for personal area protection, and envelop their protected area with it. While this doesn't allow the griefer to destroy any blocks within the other person's protected area, it prevents that player from being able to place or destroy any blocks inside of their own field (since they are technically inside another player's protected field at the same time).