Error with TacoSpigot/NachoSpigot
EzWzs opened this issue ยท 1 comments
NachoSpigot 1.8.8 (Optimized PaperSpigot Fork)
Protocollib 4.6 (Latest) Not a Dev Build
Issue: Spams this in console;
[ProtocolLib] [DetailedErrorReporter] Internal exception count: 32!
Error Unable to inject incoming channel [id: 0x3804f8c2, L:/ - R:/] (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to find NetworkManager in [id: 0x3804f8c2, L:/ - R:/]) occured in com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ProtocolInjector@1d3a237c.
Only happens in forks like this glowstone, tacospigot, and nachospigot are tested and the same thing happens.
In glowstone it doesn't even allow the server to startup but in the other two it spams that error.
This issue does not happen in regular paperspigot or spigot