error in chant
RIPISDRAD opened this issue · 3 comments
this is my full log u can see everything in it
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\rip sv\sth funny>java -Xmx5G -jar -DIReallyKnowWhatIAmDoingISwear paper-1.16.5-573.jar nogui
System Info: Java 16 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 16.0.1+9-24) Host: Windows Server 2019 10.0 (amd64)
Loading libraries, please wait...
[11:12:29 ERROR]: No key layers in MapLike[{}]; No key structures in MapLike[{}]; Not a registry ops
[11:12:29 INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
[11:12:30 INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit
[11:12:31 INFO]: Loaded 7 recipes
[11:12:33 INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.16.5
[11:12:33 INFO]: Loading properties
[11:12:33 INFO]: This server is running Paper version git-Paper-573 (MC: 1.16.5) (Implementing API version 1.16.5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
[11:12:33 INFO]: Debug logging is disabled
[11:12:33 INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[11:12:33 INFO]: Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[11:12:33 INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
[11:12:33 INFO]: Generating keypair
[11:12:33 INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on localhost:25563
[11:12:33 INFO]: Using default channel type
[11:12:35 WARN]: Initializing Legacy Material Support. Unless you have legacy plugins and/or data this is a bug!
[11:12:41 WARN]: Legacy plugin ServerListPlus v3.4.8 does not specify an api-version.
[11:12:41 INFO]: [Terra] Loaded addon Terra-Bukkit v1.0.0, by Terra
[11:12:41 INFO]: [VoidGenerator] Loading VoidGenerator v1.7.0
[11:12:41 INFO]: [BattleTraining] Loading BattleTraining v1.5 (1.13+)
[11:12:41 INFO]: [ArmorStandTools] Loading ArmorStandTools v3.7.1
[11:12:41 INFO]: [EnderEyeChanger] Loading EnderEyeChanger v1.1
[11:12:41 INFO]: [EpicFurnaces] Loading EpicFurnaces v4.7.1
[11:12:41 INFO]: [EpicFurnaces] NAYND NATION THE LEAKER
[11:12:41 INFO]: [Vault] Loading Vault v1.7.3-b131
[11:12:41 INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Loading Multiverse-Core v4.2.2-b812
[11:12:41 INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Loading ProtocolLib v4.6.0
[11:12:43 INFO]: [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v7.2.5+57d5ac9
[11:12:44 INFO]: Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@640f5140]
[11:12:44 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loading MythicMobs v4.11.0-2fb2bf23
[11:12:44 INFO]: [EpicHoppers] Loading EpicHoppers v4.6.20
[11:12:44 INFO]: [eco] Loading eco v5.3.7
[11:12:44 INFO]: [BookExploitFix] Loading BookExploitFix v1.1
[11:12:44 INFO]: [IllegalStack] Loading IllegalStack v2.2.2a
[11:12:44 INFO]: [SecuredNetwork] Loading SecuredNetwork v3.0
[11:12:44 INFO]: [EpicSpawners] Loading EpicSpawners v7.0.8
[11:12:44 INFO]: [QuickShop] Loading QuickShop v4.0.8.2
[11:12:44 INFO]: [QuickShop] QuickShop Reremake - Early boot step - Booting up...
[11:12:44 INFO]: [QuickShop] [OK] Signature Verify
[11:12:44 INFO]: [QuickShop] Reading the configuration...
[11:12:45 INFO]: [QuickShop] Loading plugin translations files...
[11:12:45 WARN]: [QuickShop] Language name Missing no: language-name not matched with en-US, replacing with build-in files and renaming current file to messages-bak-90754569-801f-4950-bfcc-e058381e3fd1.json
[11:12:45 INFO]: [QuickShop] Translator: Ghost_chu, Andre_601
[11:12:45 INFO]: [QuickShop] Contributors: Timtower, Netherfoam, KaiNoMood, Mgazul, JackTheChicken and Andre_601
[11:12:45 INFO]: [QuickShop] Language Zone: English (en_US)
[11:12:45 INFO]: [QuickShop] Loading up integration modules.
[11:12:45 INFO]: [QuickShop] QuickShop Reremake - Early boot step - Booted up...
[11:12:45 INFO]: [ServerListPlus] Loading ServerListPlus v3.4.8
[11:12:45 INFO]: [Terra] Loading Terra v5.3.3-BETA+5dd00db8
[11:12:45 INFO]: [ShopItemOnly] Loading ShopItemOnly v1.1
[11:12:45 INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Loading EcoEnchants v7.4.2
[11:12:45 INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
[11:12:45 INFO]: [VoidGenerator] Enabling VoidGenerator v1.7.0
[11:12:45 INFO]: [VoidGenerator] v1_15
[11:12:45 INFO]: [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.7.3-b131
[11:12:45 INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
[11:12:45 INFO]: [Vault] Enabled Version 1.7.3-b131
[11:12:45 INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Enabling ProtocolLib v4.6.0
[11:12:45 INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Started structure compiler thread.
[11:12:45 INFO]: [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v7.2.5+57d5ac9
[11:12:45 INFO]: WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
[11:12:46 INFO]: Using com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.adapter.impl.Spigot_v1_16_R3 as the Bukkit adapter
[11:12:47 INFO]: [Terra] Enabling Terra v5.3.3-BETA+5dd00db8
[11:12:47 INFO]: [Terra] Running on version V1_16
[11:12:47 INFO]: [Terra] Loading config values
[11:12:47 INFO]: [Terra] DebugLogger: false
[11:12:47 INFO]: [Terra] C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\rip sv\sth funny\plugins\Terra\lang\en_us.yml
[11:12:47 INFO]: [Terra] Loaded language en_us
[11:12:47 INFO]: [Terra] Loading config pack "DEFAULT"
[11:12:51 INFO]: [Terra] Loaded config pack "DEFAULT" v2.0.0 by dfsek in 4036.9419ms.
[11:12:51 INFO]: [Terra] Loading config pack "NETHER"
[11:12:52 INFO]: [Terra] Loaded config pack "NETHER" v2.0.0 by dfsek in 35.8745ms.
[11:12:52 INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Enabling EcoEnchants v7.4.2
[11:12:52 INFO]: [EcoEnchants]
[11:12:52 INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Loading EcoEnchants
[11:12:52 INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Loaded integrations:
[11:12:54 INFO]: [EcoEnchants] No extensions found
[11:12:54 INFO]: [EcoEnchants] 232 Enchantments Loaded
[11:12:54 INFO]: [EcoEnchants]
[11:12:54 WARN]: The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
[11:12:54 WARN]: Whilst this makes it possible to use BungeeCord, unless access to your server is properly restricted, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
[11:12:54 WARN]: Please see for further information.
[11:12:54 WARN]: To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the file.
[11:12:54 INFO]: Preparing level "TTR"
[11:12:55 INFO]: Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface
[11:12:55 INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld
[11:12:55 INFO]: Loaded 0 spawn chunks for world TTR
[11:12:55 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[11:12:55 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[11:12:56 INFO]: Time elapsed: 666 ms
[11:12:56 INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:the_nether
[11:12:56 INFO]: Loaded 0 spawn chunks for world TTR_nether
[11:12:56 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[11:12:56 INFO]: Time elapsed: 297 ms
[11:12:56 INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:the_end
[11:12:56 INFO]: Loaded 0 spawn chunks for world TTR_the_end
[11:12:56 INFO]: Time elapsed: 157 ms
[11:12:56 INFO]: [BattleTraining] Enabling BattleTraining v1.5 (1.13+)
[11:12:56 INFO]: [BattleTraining] Enabling...
[11:12:56 INFO]: [BattleTraining] New file: 'config.yml' successful created!!
[11:12:56 INFO]: [BattleTraining] File 'config.yml' loaded!
[11:12:56 INFO]: [BattleTraining] Dummys recipe registered!
[11:12:56 INFO]: [BattleTraining] Creating new map ID!!!
[11:12:56 INFO]: [BattleTraining] Creating new map ID!!!
[11:12:56 INFO]: [BattleTraining] Target banner recipe registered!
[11:12:56 INFO]: [ArmorStandTools] Enabling ArmorStandTools v3.7.1
[11:12:56 INFO]: [ArmorStandTools] Loading support for v1_16_R3
[11:12:56 INFO]: [ArmorStandTools] PlotSquared plugin not found. Continuing without PlotSquared support.
[11:12:56 INFO]: [ArmorStandTools] WorldGuard plugin not found. Continuing without WorldGuard support.
[11:12:56 INFO]: [EnderEyeChanger] Enabling EnderEyeChanger v1.1
[11:12:56 INFO]: [EnderEyeChanger] Config does not exist yet, creating defaults...
[11:12:56 INFO]: [EnderEyeChanger] Created default configuration file.
[11:12:56 INFO]: [EnderEyeChanger] Ender eyes will point towards the nearest stronghold.
[11:12:56 WARN]: [EnderEyeChanger] Waypoints section missing from config, using stronghold locations instead!
[11:12:56 INFO]: [EnderEyeChanger] EnderEyeChanger enabled!
[11:12:56 INFO]: [EpicFurnaces] Enabling EpicFurnaces v4.7.1
[11:12:56 INFO]:
[11:12:56 INFO]: =============================
[11:12:56 INFO]: EpicFurnaces 4.7.1 by Songoda <3!
[11:12:56 INFO]: Action: Enabling...
[11:12:56 INFO]: [EpicFurnaces] Loaded locale "en_US"
[11:12:56 INFO]: [SongodaCore] Hooked EpicFurnaces.
[11:12:56 WARN]: [EpicFurnaces] Loaded class net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy from Vault v1.7.3-b131 which is not a depend, softdepend or loadbefore of this plugin.
[11:12:56 INFO]: [EpicFurnaces] Data handler connected using SQLite.
[11:12:57 INFO]: =============================
[11:12:57 INFO]:
[11:12:57 INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Enabling Multiverse-Core v4.2.2-b812
[11:12:57 WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] "Multiverse-Core v4.2.2-b812" has registered a listener for org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCreatePortalEvent on method "public void com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPortalListener.entityPortalCreate(org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCreatePortalEvent)", but the event is Deprecated. "Server performance will be affected"; please notify the authors [dumptruckman, Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141, main--].
[11:12:57 INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] We are aware of the warning about the deprecated event. There is no alternative that allows us to do what we need to do and performance impact is negligible. It is safe to ignore.
[11:12:57 WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] WorldManager: Can't load this world because the folder was deleted/moved: world
[11:12:57 WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] Use '/mv remove' to remove it from the config!
[11:12:57 WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] WorldManager: Can't load this world because the folder was deleted/moved: world_the_end
[11:12:57 WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] Use '/mv remove' to remove it from the config!
[11:12:57 WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] WorldManager: Can't load this world because the folder was deleted/moved: world_nether
[11:12:57 WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] Use '/mv remove' to remove it from the config!
[11:12:57 WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] WorldManager: Can't load this world because the folder was deleted/moved: world1
[11:12:57 WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] Use '/mv remove' to remove it from the config!
[11:12:57 INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] 3 - World(s) loaded.
[11:12:57 WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] Buscript failed to load! The script command will be disabled!
[11:12:57 INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Version 4.2.2-b812 (API v24) Enabled - By dumptruckman, Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141 and main--
[11:12:57 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Enabling MythicMobs v4.11.0-2fb2bf23
[11:12:57 INFO]: [LumineUtils] (io.lumine.xikage.mythicmobs.utils.) is bound to plugin MythicMobs - io.lumine.xikage.mythicmobs.MythicMobs
[11:12:57 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loading MythicMobs for Paper (MC: 1.16.5)...
[11:12:57 INFO]: [MythicMobs] The server is running PaperSpigot; enabled PaperSpigot exclusive functionality
[11:12:57 INFO]: [io.lumine.xikage.mythicmobs.util.reflections.Reflections] Reflections took 81 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 3 keys and 21 values
[11:12:57 INFO]: [io.lumine.xikage.mythicmobs.util.reflections.Reflections] Reflections took 12 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 3 keys and 24 values
[11:12:57 INFO]: [io.lumine.xikage.mythicmobs.util.reflections.Reflections] Reflections took 8 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 0 keys and 0 values
[11:12:57 INFO]: [io.lumine.xikage.mythicmobs.util.reflections.Reflections] Reflections took 8 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 3 keys and 12 values
[11:12:57 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loaded ProtocolLib packet handlers
[11:12:57 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Loaded class com.comphenix.protocol.PacketType from ProtocolLib v4.6.0 which is not a depend, softdepend or loadbefore of this plugin.
[11:12:57 INFO]: [MythicMobs] MythicMobs ProtocolLib Support has been enabled!
[11:12:57 INFO]: [MythicMobs] MythicMobs Vault Support has been enabled!
[11:12:57 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Loading Mob Registry...
[11:12:57 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Base directory C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\rip sv\sth funny\plugins\MythicMobs\SavedData
[11:12:57 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Module directory C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\rip sv\sth funny\plugins\MythicMobs\SavedData\worlds
[11:12:57 INFO]: [io.lumine.xikage.mythicmobs.util.reflections.Reflections] Reflections took 28 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 10 keys and 305 values
[11:12:57 INFO]: [io.lumine.xikage.mythicmobs.util.reflections.Reflections] Reflections took 64 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 23 keys and 625 values
[11:12:58 INFO]: [io.lumine.xikage.mythicmobs.util.reflections.Reflections] Reflections took 22 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 6 keys and 89 values
[11:12:58 INFO]: [io.lumine.xikage.mythicmobs.util.reflections.Reflections] Reflections took 13 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 2 keys and 6 values
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] LOADED
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] File config.yml not found! Creating a new one...
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] File ExampleItems.yml not found! Creating a new one...
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] File ExampleSkills.yml not found! Creating a new one...
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] File VanillaMobs.yml not found! Creating a new one...
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] File ExampleMobs.yml not found! Creating a new one...
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] File ExampleDropTables.yml not found! Creating a new one...
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] File ExampleRandomSpawns.yml not found! Creating a new one...
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Spawners folder not found! Creating...
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ Loaded 5 mobs.
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ Loaded 3 vanilla mob overrides.
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ Loaded 0 mob stacks.
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ Loaded 3 skills.
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ Loaded 2 random spawns.
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ Loaded 3 mythic items.
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ Loaded 2 drop tables.
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ Loaded 0 mob spawners.
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] MythicMobs configuration file loaded successfully.
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] Started up bStats Metrics
[11:12:58 INFO]: [MythicMobs] ✓ MythicMobs v4.11.0 (build 2fb2bf23) has been successfully loaded!
[11:12:58 INFO]: [EpicHoppers] Enabling EpicHoppers v4.6.20
[11:12:58 INFO]:
[11:12:58 INFO]: =============================
[11:12:58 INFO]: EpicHoppers 4.6.20 by Songoda <3!
[11:12:58 INFO]: Action: Enabling...
[11:12:58 INFO]: [EpicHoppers] Loaded locale "en_US"
[11:12:58 INFO]: [SongodaCore] Hooked EpicHoppers.
[11:12:59 INFO]: [EpicHoppers] Data handler connected using SQLite.
[11:12:59 INFO]: [EpicHoppers] Downloaded From NAYNDSEMPAI
[11:12:59 INFO]: =============================
[11:12:59 INFO]:
[11:12:59 INFO]: [eco] Enabling eco v5.3.7
[11:12:59 INFO]: [eco]
[11:12:59 INFO]: [eco] Loading eco
[11:12:59 INFO]: [eco] Loaded integrations:
[11:12:59 INFO]: [eco]
[11:12:59 INFO]: [BookExploitFix] Enabling BookExploitFix v1.1
[11:12:59 INFO]: [BookExploitFix] Detected server version 1.14 or higher, enabling lectern support
[11:12:59 INFO]: [BookExploitFix] Found ProtocolLib, enabling advanced protection features.
[11:12:59 INFO]: [BookExploitFix] BookExploitFix v1.1 by minoneer activated
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] Enabling IllegalStack v2.2.2a
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack]: Warning Configuration File Not Found! /plugins/IllegalStack/config.yml - Creating a new one with default values.
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: RemoveUnbreakableFlag it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: BlockBuildingAboveNether it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: BlockEnchantingInstead it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: BlockNonPlayersInNetherPortal it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: KickForAutoClickerFishing it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: CheckGroundForBadShulkerAtLogin it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventRNGEnchant it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: AllowStackForGroup it has been added with a default value of: []
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventCobbleGenerators it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: DisableChestsOnMobs it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventMinecartGlitch it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: VillagerRestockTime it has been added with a default value of: 10
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: WarnPlayerThenKickInsteadOfNotify it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: BlockLoopedDroppers it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: IllegalStackMode it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventPiglinDupe it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventPortalTraps it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: OnlyFunctionInWorlds it has been added with a default value of: []
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: BreakExploitMachines it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: NetherYLevel it has been added with a default value of: 128
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: ItemScanTimer it has been added with a default value of: 10
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventHeadInsideBlock it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: RemoveItemsMatchingName it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: NotifyBlockedPortalAttempts it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventSpawnEggsOnSpawners it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: EnchantedItemWhitelist it has been added with a default value of: []
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: BlockPlayersAboveNether it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventTripwireDupe it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: MinecartBlockWhiteList it has been added with a default value of: []
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: RemoveItemTypes it has been added with a default value of: []
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: ZombieVillagerTransformChance it has been added with a default value of: 65
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: BlockBadItemsFromCreativeTab it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: MaxFishAllowedBeforeKick it has been added with a default value of: 5
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventNestedShulkers it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: RemoveExistingGlitchedMinecarts it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: DisableInWorlds it has been added with a default value of: []
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: NameLoreStrictMatchMode it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: ExcludeNetherWorldFromHeightCheck it has been added with a default value of: []
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventItemSwapLagExploit it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventInfiniteElytraFlight it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventMinecartsInBoats it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventIndirectTNTPowerDupe it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: IgnoreAllHopperChecks it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: MaxFishToNotifyStaffThenBlock it has been added with a default value of: 5
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PunishForChestsOnMobs it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventEndPortalDestruction it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventBedrockDestruction it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: FixIllegalEnchantmentLevels it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventOverStackedItemInHoppers it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: FixOverstackedItemInstead it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventRecordDupe it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: InGameNotifications it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: DestroyBadSignsonChunkLoad it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventLavaDupe it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: LogOffensesInSeparateFile it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: ItemNamesToRemove it has been added with a default value of: []
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: BlockNonPlayersInEndPortal it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventRailDupe it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventCommandsInBed it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: AllowStack it has been added with a default value of: [POTION]
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: WatchForAutoFishMod it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventZombieItemPickup it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventEndGatewayCrashExploit it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: VillagerTradeCheesing it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: TeleportCorrectionNotify it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: DestroyIllegallyEnchantedItemsInstead it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: RemoveCustomAttributes it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: AllowBypass it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: EndWhiteList it has been added with a default value of: []
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: EndWhiteListMode it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: DisableRidingExploitableMobs it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventShulkerCrash2 it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: NetherWhiteList it has been added with a default value of: []
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: RemoveAllRenamedItems it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: BlockRepairsInstead it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: DestroyInvalidShulkers it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: AlsoPreventHeadInside it has been added with a default value of: [COMPOSTER]
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PlayerOffenseNotifications it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventArmorStandLagMachine it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventPearlGlassPhasing it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: EnsureSafeTeleportLocationIfAboveCeiling it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: BlockCMIShulkerStacking it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: ItemLoresToRemove it has been added with a default value of: []
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: NetherWhiteListMode it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventEndCrystalLagMachine it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: NotifyInsteadOfBlockExploits it has been added with a default value of: []
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: IgnoreAllShulkerPlaceChecks it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventBedExplosions it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: DisableBookWriting it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: CustomEnchantOverride it has been added with a default value of: []
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: KillPlayersBelowNether it has been added with a default value of: false
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventInvalidPotions it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventLootingExploit it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: PreventHoppersToUnloadedChunks it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Found a missing protection from your configuration: RemoveOverstackedItems it has been added with a default value of: true
[11:12:59 INFO]: The following materials are allowed to have stacks larger than the vanilla size: POTION
[11:12:59 INFO]: Creating messages.yml
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PluginPrefix
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PluginTeleportText
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: ChestRemoved
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: ChestPrevented
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffChestPunishment
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: BookRemoved
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: TooManyPages
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: SignRemoved
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: SignRemovedOnPlace
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: SignKickPlayerMsg
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: ShulkerClick
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: ShulkerPlace
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: ItemFrameRemoveOnExtend
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: ItemFrameRemoveOnRetract
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PistonRetractionDupe
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: NetherPortalBlock
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: EndPortalBlock
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: MinecartGlitch1
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: MinecartGlitch2
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: HeadInsideSolidBlock
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: HeadInsideSolidBlock2
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: MinecartMount
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: ZeroTickGlitch
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: NamedItemRemovalHopper
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: NamedItemRemovalPlayer
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: ItemTypeRemovedPlayer
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: ItemTypeRemovedPlayerOnPlace
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: ItemTypeRemovedPlayerOnDrop
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: ItemTypeRemoved
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: SilkTouchBookBlocked
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PistonHeadRemoval
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: IllegalStackLogin
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: IllegalStackOffhand
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: IllegalStackPlayerBody
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: IllegalStackItemScan
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: IllegalStackOnClick
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: IllegalStackShorten
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: IllegalStackUnstack
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: InvalidPotionRemoved
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: UnbreakableItemCleared
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: CustomAttribsRemoved
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: CustomAttribsRemoved2
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: CustomAttribsRemoved3
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: GlideActivateMaxBuild
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: GlideAboveMaxBuild
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: CorrectedPlayerLocation
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StoppedPushableArmorStand
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StoppedPushableEntity
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: RemovedRenamedItem
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: BlockedTripwireDupe
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: GenericItemRemoval
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PlayerTrappedPortalMsg
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PlayerCommandSleepMsg
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PlayerDisabledBookMsg
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PlayerKickMsgFishing
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PlayerKickMsgFishMod
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PlayerSwimExploitMsg
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PlayerCMIShulkerNest
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PlayerDisabledHorseChestMsg
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PlayerDisabledRidingChestedMsg
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PlayerKickForChestMsg
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PlayerNearbyNotification
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PlayerNetherBlock
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PlayerEnchantBlocked
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PlayerRepairBlocked
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: PlayerSpawnEggBlock
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffMsgChangedSpawnerType
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffMsgEndGatewayVehicleRemoved
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffMsgBlockedPortalLogin
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffMsgBlockedPortal
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffMsgDropperExploit
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffMsgDispenerFlint
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffMsgSpawnerReset
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffMsgCreativeBlock
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffMsgNetherBlock
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffMsgNetherFix
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffMsgUnderNether
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffMsgNetherCart
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffMsgBookRemoved
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffProtectionToggleMsg
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffInvalidProtectionMsg
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffOptionUpdated
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffSingleWordsOnly
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffStringUpdated
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffEnchantBypass
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffEnchantBypassCancel
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffEnchantBypassAdded
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffSpamFishingNotice
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffAutoFishingNotice
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffBadShulkerRemoved
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffBadShulkerInWorld
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffNoItem
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffNoEnchants
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffEnchantFixed
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffNoNBTAPI
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffEnchantNotFixed
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffEndPortalProtected
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffMsgNoPerm
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: StaffMsgBedExplosion
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: DestroyedEnchantedItem
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: IllegalEnchantLevel
[11:12:59 INFO]: Adding default message to messages.yml for: IllegalEnchantType
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] Chat Components found! Enabling clickable commands in /istack
[11:12:59 INFO]: [Illegal Stack] - MC Version v1_16_r3 detected!
[11:12:59 INFO]: [IllegalStack] - Enabling 1.13+ Checks
[11:12:59 INFO]: ZombieVillagerTransformChance is set to 65 *** Only really matters if the difficulty is set to HARD ***
[11:12:59 INFO]: [SecuredNetwork] Enabling SecuredNetwork v3.0
[11:12:59 INFO]: [SecuredNetwork] Thank you for downloading SecuredNetwork!
[11:12:59 INFO]: [EpicSpawners] Enabling EpicSpawners v7.0.8
[11:12:59 INFO]:
[11:12:59 INFO]: =============================
[11:12:59 INFO]: EpicSpawners 7.0.8 by Songoda <3!
[11:12:59 INFO]: Action: Enabling...
[11:12:59 INFO]: [EpicSpawners] Loaded locale "en_US"
[11:12:59 INFO]: [SongodaCore] Hooked EpicSpawners.
[11:13:00 INFO]: [EpicSpawners] Data handler connected using SQLite.
[11:13:00 INFO]: [EpicSpawners] Downloaded
[11:13:00 INFO]: [EpicSpawners] from
[11:13:00 INFO]: [EpicSpawners] BlackSpigot
[11:13:00 INFO]: =============================
[11:13:00 INFO]:
[11:13:00 INFO]: [QuickShop] Enabling QuickShop v4.0.8.2
[11:13:00 INFO]: [QuickShop] QuickShop Reremake
[11:13:00 INFO]: [QuickShop] Starting plugin self-test, please wait...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] [OK] Signature Verify
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] [OK] EnvChecker SelfTest
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] [OK] Java Runtime Environment Version Test
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Running QuickShop-Reremake on NMS version v1_16_R3 For Minecraft version 1.16.5
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] [OK] Spigot Based Server Test
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] [OK] Old QuickShop Test
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] [OK] ModdedServer Based Test
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] [OK] JulySafe Test
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] [OK] CoreSupport Test
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] [OK] Virtual DisplayItem Support Test
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] [OK] PersistentStorageApi Support Test
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] [OK] PacketListenerAPI conflict Test
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Reading the configuration...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Loading plugin translations files...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Developers: PotatoCraft Studio, Netherfoam, Timtower, KaiNoMood, Ghost_chu, Mgazul, TiaraRinne, sandtechnology
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Original author: Netherfoam, Timtower, KaiNoMood
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Let's start loading the plugin
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Chat processor selected: BUNGEECHAT
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Loading plugin translations files...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Loading items translations...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Creating itemi18n.yml
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Air] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Granite] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Granite] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Diorite] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Diorite] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Andesite] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Andesite] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Grass Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dirt] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Coarse Dirt] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Podzol] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crimson Nylium] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Nylium] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cobblestone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Oak Planks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spruce Planks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Birch Planks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jungle Planks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Acacia Planks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Oak Planks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crimson Planks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Planks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Oak Sapling] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spruce Sapling] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Birch Sapling] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jungle Sapling] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Acacia Sapling] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Oak Sapling] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bedrock] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Sand] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Sand] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gravel] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gold Ore] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Iron Ore] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Coal Ore] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Nether Gold Ore] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Oak Log] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spruce Log] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Birch Log] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jungle Log] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Acacia Log] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Oak Log] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crimson Stem] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Stem] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stripped Oak Log] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stripped Spruce Log] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stripped Birch Log] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stripped Jungle Log] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stripped Acacia Log] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stripped Dark Oak Log] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stripped Crimson Stem] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stripped Warped Stem] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stripped Oak Wood] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stripped Spruce Wood] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stripped Birch Wood] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stripped Jungle Wood] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stripped Acacia Wood] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stripped Dark Oak Wood] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stripped Crimson Hyphae] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stripped Warped Hyphae] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Oak Wood] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spruce Wood] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Birch Wood] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jungle Wood] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Acacia Wood] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Oak Wood] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crimson Hyphae] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Hyphae] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Oak Leaves] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spruce Leaves] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Birch Leaves] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jungle Leaves] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Acacia Leaves] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Oak Leaves] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Sponge] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Wet Sponge] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Glass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lapis Ore] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lapis Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dispenser] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Sandstone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chiseled Sandstone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cut Sandstone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Note Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Powered Rail] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Detector Rail] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Sticky Piston] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cobweb] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Grass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Fern] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Bush] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Seagrass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Sea Pickle] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Piston] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [White Wool] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Orange Wool] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Magenta Wool] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Blue Wool] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Yellow Wool] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lime Wool] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pink Wool] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gray Wool] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Gray Wool] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cyan Wool] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Purple Wool] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blue Wool] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brown Wool] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Green Wool] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Wool] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Black Wool] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dandelion] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Poppy] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blue Orchid] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Allium] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Azure Bluet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Tulip] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Orange Tulip] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [White Tulip] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pink Tulip] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Oxeye Daisy] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cornflower] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lily Of The Valley] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Wither Rose] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brown Mushroom] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Mushroom] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crimson Fungus] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Fungus] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crimson Roots] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Roots] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Nether Sprouts] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Weeping Vines] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Twisting Vines] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Sugar Cane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Kelp] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bamboo] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gold Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Iron Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Oak Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spruce Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Birch Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jungle Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Acacia Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Oak Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crimson Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stone Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Smooth Stone Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Sandstone Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cut Sandstone Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Petrified Oak Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cobblestone Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brick Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stone Brick Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Nether Brick Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Quartz Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Sandstone Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cut Red Sandstone Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Purpur Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Prismarine Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Prismarine Brick Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Prismarine Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Smooth Quartz] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Smooth Red Sandstone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Smooth Sandstone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Smooth Stone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Tnt] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bookshelf] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Mossy Cobblestone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Obsidian] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Torch] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [End Rod] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chorus Plant] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chorus Flower] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Purpur Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Purpur Pillar] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Purpur Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spawner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Oak Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chest] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Diamond Ore] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Diamond Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crafting Table] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Farmland] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Furnace] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Ladder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Rail] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cobblestone Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lever] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stone Pressure Plate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Oak Pressure Plate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spruce Pressure Plate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Birch Pressure Plate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jungle Pressure Plate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Acacia Pressure Plate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Oak Pressure Plate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crimson Pressure Plate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Pressure Plate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Redstone Ore] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Redstone Torch] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Snow] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Ice] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Snow Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cactus] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Clay] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jukebox] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Oak Fence] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spruce Fence] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Birch Fence] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jungle Fence] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Acacia Fence] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Oak Fence] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crimson Fence] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Fence] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pumpkin] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Carved Pumpkin] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Netherrack] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Soul Sand] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Soul Soil] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Basalt] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Basalt] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Soul Torch] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Glowstone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jack O Lantern] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Oak Trapdoor] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spruce Trapdoor] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Birch Trapdoor] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jungle Trapdoor] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Acacia Trapdoor] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Oak Trapdoor] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crimson Trapdoor] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Trapdoor] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Infested Stone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Infested Cobblestone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Infested Stone Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Infested Mossy Stone Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Infested Cracked Stone Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stone Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Mossy Stone Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cracked Stone Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chiseled Stone Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brown Mushroom Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Mushroom Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Mushroom Stem] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Iron Bars] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chain] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Glass Pane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Melon] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Vine] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Oak Fence Gate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spruce Fence Gate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Birch Fence Gate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jungle Fence Gate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Acacia Fence Gate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Oak Fence Gate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crimson Fence Gate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Fence Gate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brick Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stone Brick Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Mycelium] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lily Pad] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Nether Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cracked Nether Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chiseled Nether Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Nether Brick Fence] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Nether Brick Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Enchanting Table] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [End Portal Frame] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [End Stone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [End Stone Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dragon Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Redstone Lamp] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Sandstone Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Emerald Ore] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Ender Chest] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Tripwire Hook] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Emerald Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spruce Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Birch Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jungle Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crimson Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Command Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Beacon] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cobblestone Wall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Mossy Cobblestone Wall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brick Wall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Prismarine Wall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Sandstone Wall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Mossy Stone Brick Wall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Granite Wall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stone Brick Wall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Nether Brick Wall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Andesite Wall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Nether Brick Wall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Sandstone Wall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [End Stone Brick Wall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Diorite Wall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blackstone Wall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Blackstone Wall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Blackstone Brick Wall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stone Button] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Oak Button] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spruce Button] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Birch Button] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jungle Button] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Acacia Button] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Oak Button] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crimson Button] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Button] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Blackstone Button] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Anvil] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chipped Anvil] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Damaged Anvil] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Trapped Chest] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Weighted Pressure Plate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Daylight Detector] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Redstone Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Nether Quartz Ore] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Hopper] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chiseled Quartz Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Quartz Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Quartz Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Quartz Pillar] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Quartz Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Activator Rail] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dropper] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [White Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Orange Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Magenta Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Blue Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Yellow Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lime Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pink Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gray Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Gray Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cyan Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Purple Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blue Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brown Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Green Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Black Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Barrier] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Iron Trapdoor] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Hay Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [White Carpet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Orange Carpet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Magenta Carpet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Blue Carpet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Yellow Carpet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lime Carpet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pink Carpet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gray Carpet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Gray Carpet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cyan Carpet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Purple Carpet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blue Carpet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brown Carpet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Green Carpet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Carpet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Black Carpet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Coal Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Packed Ice] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Acacia Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Oak Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Slime Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Grass Path] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Sunflower] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lilac] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Rose Bush] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Peony] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Tall Grass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Large Fern] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [White Stained Glass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Orange Stained Glass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Magenta Stained Glass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Blue Stained Glass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Yellow Stained Glass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lime Stained Glass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pink Stained Glass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gray Stained Glass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Gray Stained Glass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cyan Stained Glass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Purple Stained Glass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blue Stained Glass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brown Stained Glass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Green Stained Glass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Stained Glass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Black Stained Glass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [White Stained Glass Pane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Orange Stained Glass Pane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Magenta Stained Glass Pane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Blue Stained Glass Pane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Yellow Stained Glass Pane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lime Stained Glass Pane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pink Stained Glass Pane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gray Stained Glass Pane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Gray Stained Glass Pane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cyan Stained Glass Pane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Purple Stained Glass Pane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blue Stained Glass Pane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brown Stained Glass Pane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Green Stained Glass Pane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Stained Glass Pane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Black Stained Glass Pane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Prismarine] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Prismarine Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Prismarine] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Prismarine Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Prismarine Brick Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Prismarine Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Sea Lantern] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Sandstone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chiseled Red Sandstone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cut Red Sandstone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Sandstone Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Repeating Command Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chain Command Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Magma Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Nether Wart Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Wart Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Nether Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bone Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Structure Void] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Observer] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Shulker Box] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [White Shulker Box] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Orange Shulker Box] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Magenta Shulker Box] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Blue Shulker Box] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Yellow Shulker Box] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lime Shulker Box] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pink Shulker Box] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gray Shulker Box] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Gray Shulker Box] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cyan Shulker Box] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Purple Shulker Box] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blue Shulker Box] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brown Shulker Box] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Green Shulker Box] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Shulker Box] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Black Shulker Box] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [White Glazed Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Orange Glazed Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Magenta Glazed Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Blue Glazed Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Yellow Glazed Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lime Glazed Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pink Glazed Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gray Glazed Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Gray Glazed Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cyan Glazed Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Purple Glazed Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blue Glazed Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brown Glazed Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Green Glazed Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Glazed Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Black Glazed Terracotta] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [White Concrete] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Orange Concrete] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Magenta Concrete] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Blue Concrete] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Yellow Concrete] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lime Concrete] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pink Concrete] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gray Concrete] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Gray Concrete] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cyan Concrete] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Purple Concrete] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blue Concrete] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brown Concrete] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Green Concrete] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Concrete] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Black Concrete] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [White Concrete Powder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Orange Concrete Powder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Magenta Concrete Powder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Blue Concrete Powder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Yellow Concrete Powder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lime Concrete Powder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pink Concrete Powder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gray Concrete Powder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Gray Concrete Powder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cyan Concrete Powder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Purple Concrete Powder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blue Concrete Powder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brown Concrete Powder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Green Concrete Powder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Concrete Powder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Black Concrete Powder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Turtle Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Tube Coral Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Brain Coral Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Bubble Coral Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Fire Coral Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Horn Coral Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Tube Coral Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brain Coral Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bubble Coral Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Fire Coral Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Horn Coral Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Tube Coral] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brain Coral] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bubble Coral] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Fire Coral] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Horn Coral] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Brain Coral] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Bubble Coral] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Fire Coral] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Horn Coral] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Tube Coral] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Tube Coral Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brain Coral Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bubble Coral Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Fire Coral Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Horn Coral Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Tube Coral Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Brain Coral Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Bubble Coral Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Fire Coral Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Horn Coral Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blue Ice] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Conduit] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Granite Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Mossy Stone Brick Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Diorite Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Mossy Cobblestone Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [End Stone Brick Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stone Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Smooth Sandstone Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Smooth Quartz Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Granite Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Andesite Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Nether Brick Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Andesite Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Diorite Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Granite Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Smooth Red Sandstone Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Mossy Stone Brick Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Diorite Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Mossy Cobblestone Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [End Stone Brick Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Smooth Sandstone Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Smooth Quartz Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Granite Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Andesite Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Nether Brick Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Andesite Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Diorite Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Scaffolding] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Iron Door] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Oak Door] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spruce Door] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Birch Door] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jungle Door] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Acacia Door] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Oak Door] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crimson Door] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Door] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Repeater] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Comparator] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Structure Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jigsaw] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Turtle Helmet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Scute] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Flint And Steel] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Apple] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bow] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Arrow] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Coal] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Charcoal] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Diamond] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Iron Ingot] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gold Ingot] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Netherite Ingot] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Netherite Scrap] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Wooden Sword] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Wooden Shovel] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Wooden Pickaxe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Wooden Axe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Wooden Hoe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stone Sword] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stone Shovel] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stone Pickaxe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stone Axe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stone Hoe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Golden Sword] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Golden Shovel] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Golden Pickaxe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Golden Axe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Golden Hoe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Iron Sword] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Iron Shovel] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Iron Pickaxe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Iron Axe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Iron Hoe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Diamond Sword] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Diamond Shovel] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Diamond Pickaxe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Diamond Axe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Diamond Hoe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Netherite Sword] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Netherite Shovel] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Netherite Pickaxe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Netherite Axe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Netherite Hoe] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stick] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bowl] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Mushroom Stew] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [String] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Feather] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gunpowder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Wheat Seeds] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Wheat] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bread] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Leather Helmet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Leather Chestplate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Leather Leggings] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Leather Boots] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chainmail Helmet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chainmail Chestplate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chainmail Leggings] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chainmail Boots] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Iron Helmet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Iron Chestplate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Iron Leggings] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Iron Boots] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Diamond Helmet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Diamond Chestplate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Diamond Leggings] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Diamond Boots] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Golden Helmet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Golden Chestplate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Golden Leggings] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Golden Boots] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Netherite Helmet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Netherite Chestplate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Netherite Leggings] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Netherite Boots] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Flint] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Porkchop] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cooked Porkchop] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Painting] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Golden Apple] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Enchanted Golden Apple] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Oak Sign] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spruce Sign] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Birch Sign] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jungle Sign] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Acacia Sign] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Oak Sign] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crimson Sign] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Sign] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bucket] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Water Bucket] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lava Bucket] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Minecart] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Saddle] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Redstone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Snowball] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Oak Boat] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Leather] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Milk Bucket] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pufferfish Bucket] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Salmon Bucket] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cod Bucket] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Tropical Fish Bucket] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brick] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Clay Ball] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dried Kelp Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Paper] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Book] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Slime Ball] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chest Minecart] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Furnace Minecart] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Compass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Fishing Rod] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Clock] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Glowstone Dust] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cod] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Salmon] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Tropical Fish] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pufferfish] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cooked Cod] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cooked Salmon] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Ink Sac] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cocoa Beans] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lapis Lazuli] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [White Dye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Orange Dye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Magenta Dye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Blue Dye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Yellow Dye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lime Dye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pink Dye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gray Dye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Gray Dye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cyan Dye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Purple Dye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blue Dye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brown Dye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Green Dye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Dye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Black Dye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bone Meal] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Sugar] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cake] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [White Bed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Orange Bed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Magenta Bed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Blue Bed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Yellow Bed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lime Bed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pink Bed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gray Bed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Gray Bed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cyan Bed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Purple Bed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blue Bed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brown Bed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Green Bed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Bed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Black Bed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cookie] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Filled Map] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Shears] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Melon Slice] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dried Kelp] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pumpkin Seeds] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Melon Seeds] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Beef] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cooked Beef] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chicken] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cooked Chicken] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Rotten Flesh] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Ender Pearl] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blaze Rod] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Ghast Tear] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gold Nugget] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Nether Wart] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potion] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Glass Bottle] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spider Eye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Fermented Spider Eye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blaze Powder] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Magma Cream] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brewing Stand] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cauldron] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Ender Eye] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Glistering Melon Slice] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bat Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bee Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blaze Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cat Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cave Spider Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chicken Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cod Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cow Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Creeper Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dolphin Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Donkey Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Drowned Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Elder Guardian Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Enderman Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Endermite Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Evoker Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Fox Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Ghast Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Guardian Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Hoglin Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Horse Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Husk Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Llama Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Magma Cube Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Mooshroom Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Mule Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Ocelot Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Panda Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Parrot Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Phantom Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pig Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Piglin Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Piglin Brute Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pillager Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polar Bear Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pufferfish Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Rabbit Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Ravager Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Salmon Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Sheep Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Shulker Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Silverfish Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Skeleton Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Slime Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spider Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Squid Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stray Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Strider Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Trader Llama Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Tropical Fish Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Turtle Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Vex Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Villager Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Vindicator Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Wandering Trader Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Witch Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Wolf Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Zoglin Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Zombie Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Zombie Horse Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Zombie Villager Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Zombified Piglin Spawn Egg] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Experience Bottle] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Fire Charge] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Writable Book] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Written Book] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Emerald] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Item Frame] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Flower Pot] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Carrot] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potato] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Baked Potato] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Poisonous Potato] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Map] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Golden Carrot] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Skeleton Skull] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Wither Skeleton Skull] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Player Head] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Zombie Head] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Creeper Head] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dragon Head] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Carrot On A Stick] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Fungus On A Stick] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Nether Star] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pumpkin Pie] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Firework Rocket] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Firework Star] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Enchanted Book] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Nether Brick] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Quartz] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Tnt Minecart] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Hopper Minecart] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Prismarine Shard] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Prismarine Crystals] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Rabbit] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cooked Rabbit] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Rabbit Stew] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Rabbit Foot] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Rabbit Hide] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Armor Stand] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Iron Horse Armor] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Golden Horse Armor] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Diamond Horse Armor] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Leather Horse Armor] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lead] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Name Tag] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Command Block Minecart] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Mutton] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cooked Mutton] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [White Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Orange Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Magenta Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Blue Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Yellow Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lime Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pink Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gray Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Gray Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cyan Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Purple Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blue Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brown Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Green Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Black Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [End Crystal] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chorus Fruit] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Popped Chorus Fruit] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Beetroot] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Beetroot Seeds] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Beetroot Soup] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dragon Breath] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Splash Potion] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spectral Arrow] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Tipped Arrow] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lingering Potion] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Shield] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Elytra] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spruce Boat] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Birch Boat] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jungle Boat] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Acacia Boat] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Oak Boat] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Totem Of Undying] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Shulker Shell] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Iron Nugget] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Knowledge Book] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Debug Stick] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Music Disc 13] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Music Disc Cat] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Music Disc Blocks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Music Disc Chirp] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Music Disc Far] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Music Disc Mall] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Music Disc Mellohi] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Music Disc Stal] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Music Disc Strad] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Music Disc Ward] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Music Disc 11] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Music Disc Wait] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Music Disc Pigstep] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Trident] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Phantom Membrane] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Nautilus Shell] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Heart Of The Sea] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crossbow] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Suspicious Stew] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Loom] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Flower Banner Pattern] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Creeper Banner Pattern] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Skull Banner Pattern] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Mojang Banner Pattern] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Globe Banner Pattern] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Piglin Banner Pattern] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Composter] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Barrel] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Smoker] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blast Furnace] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cartography Table] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Fletching Table] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Grindstone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lectern] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Smithing Table] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Stonecutter] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bell] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lantern] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Soul Lantern] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Sweet Berries] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Campfire] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Soul Campfire] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Shroomlight] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Honeycomb] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bee Nest] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Beehive] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Honey Bottle] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Honey Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Honeycomb Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lodestone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Netherite Block] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Ancient Debris] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Target] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crying Obsidian] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blackstone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blackstone Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blackstone Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gilded Blackstone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Blackstone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Blackstone Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Blackstone Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Chiseled Polished Blackstone] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Blackstone Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Blackstone Brick Slab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Respawn Anchor] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Water] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lava] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Tall Seagrass] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Piston Head] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Moving Piston] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Wall Torch] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Fire] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Soul Fire] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Redstone Wire] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Oak Wall Sign] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Spruce Wall Sign] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Birch Wall Sign] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Acacia Wall Sign] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Jungle Wall Sign] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dark Oak Wall Sign] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Redstone Wall Torch] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Soul Wall Torch] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Nether Portal] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Attached Pumpkin Stem] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Attached Melon Stem] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pumpkin Stem] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Melon Stem] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [End Portal] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cocoa] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Tripwire] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Oak Sapling] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Spruce Sapling] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Birch Sapling] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Jungle Sapling] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Acacia Sapling] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Dark Oak Sapling] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Fern] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Dandelion] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Poppy] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Blue Orchid] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Allium] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Azure Bluet] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Red Tulip] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Orange Tulip] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted White Tulip] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Pink Tulip] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Oxeye Daisy] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Cornflower] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Lily Of The Valley] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Wither Rose] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Red Mushroom] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Brown Mushroom] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Dead Bush] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Cactus] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Carrots] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potatoes] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Skeleton Wall Skull] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Wither Skeleton Wall Skull] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Zombie Wall Head] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Player Wall Head] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Creeper Wall Head] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dragon Wall Head] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [White Wall Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Orange Wall Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Magenta Wall Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Blue Wall Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Yellow Wall Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Lime Wall Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Pink Wall Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Gray Wall Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Light Gray Wall Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cyan Wall Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Purple Wall Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Blue Wall Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brown Wall Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Green Wall Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Red Wall Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Black Wall Banner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Beetroots] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [End Gateway] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Frosted Ice] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Kelp Plant] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Tube Coral Wall Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Brain Coral Wall Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Bubble Coral Wall Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Fire Coral Wall Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Dead Horn Coral Wall Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Tube Coral Wall Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Brain Coral Wall Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bubble Coral Wall Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Fire Coral Wall Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Horn Coral Wall Fan] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bamboo Sapling] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Bamboo] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Void Air] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Cave Air] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Bubble Column] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Sweet Berry Bush] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Weeping Vines Plant] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Twisting Vines Plant] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Crimson Wall Sign] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Warped Wall Sign] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Crimson Fungus] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Warped Fungus] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Crimson Roots] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new items/blocks [Potted Warped Roots] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Loading enchantments translations...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Creating enchi18n.yml
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Disappear] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Heart Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Arborist] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Succession] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Loyalty] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Paladin] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Aerial] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Quake] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Vein] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Disable] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Spring] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Cleave] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Thorns] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Ash Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Dragon Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Silk Touch] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Tornado] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Projectile Protection] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Redstone Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Witch Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Power] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Magic Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Cranial] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Telekinesis] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Reaper] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Splash] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Misfortune Curse] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Zap Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Atmospheric] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Magma Walker] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Anger Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Aversion] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Sparkle Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Optics] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Piercing] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Frenzy] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Breaklessness Curse] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Kinetic] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Blast Protection] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Warped Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Rapid] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Economical] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Stamina] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Incandescence] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Fragility Curse] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Soul Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Intellect] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Defender] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Aiming] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Cubism] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Abrasion] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Necrotic] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Soul Fire Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Rebounding] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Snow Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Barrier Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Villager Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Evasion] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Parasitic] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Nautilus Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Goliath] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Reinforcement] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Honey Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Extract] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Levitate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Quadrilateralism] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Famine] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Leeching] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Finality] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Clouds Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Fire Aspect] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Sweep Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Weakening] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Blast Mining] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Dullness] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Emerald Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Diverse] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Totem Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Infuriate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Soulbound] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Lesion] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Proximity] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Defusion] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Tripleshot] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Tectonic] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Ink Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Magnetic] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Energizing] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Bleed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Vanishing Curse] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Fire Affinity] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Inferno] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Paralyze] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Mending] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Beheading] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Settle] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Charge] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Blind] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Freerunner] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Life Steal] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Repairing] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Marking] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Launch] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Thrive] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Fire Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Identify] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Respirator] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Riptide] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Damage Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Shockwave] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Stalwart] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Enchantment Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Phantasm] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Finishing] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Protector] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Hook] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Collateral] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Spearfishing] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Arcanic] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Annihilate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Lime Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Instantaneous] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Lava Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Sickening] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Lucky Catch] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Pacify] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Prosperity] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Graceful] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Ice Shot] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Diurnal] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Bane Of Arthropods] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Marksman] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Force] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Confusion] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Transfuse] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Venom] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Hunger Curse] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Aqua Affinity] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Aquatic] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Slicing] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Nocturnal] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Tear Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Depth Strider] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Wood Switcher] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Supercritical] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Inaccuracy Curse] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Lure] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Wisdom] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Plasmic] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Enderism] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Vampire Aspect] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Lumberjack] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Dust Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Sating] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Electroshock] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Fire Protection] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Conclude] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Ascend] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Replenish] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Water Aspect] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Fortune] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Illusion Aspect] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Extinguishing] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Backstab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Multishot] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Permanence Curse] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Shot Assist] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Sycophant] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Impact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Quick Charge] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [First Strike] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Infinity] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Criticals] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Forcefield] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Music Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Abattoir] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Deflection] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Cerebral] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Buckshot] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Horde] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Butchering] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Streamlining] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Oxygenate] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Bladed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Flinch] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Protection] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Ignite] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Harmlessness Curse] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Revenant] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Instability] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Punch] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [End Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Wound] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Parry] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Dexterous] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Efficiency] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Reel] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Frost Walker] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Fetching] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Crimson Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Channeling] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Puncture] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Ender Slayer] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Invigoration] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Farmhand] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Harpoon] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Stab] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Introversion] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Water Affinity] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Infernal Touch] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Boss Hunter] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Indestructibility] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Nether Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Water Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Vitalize] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Sweeping] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Respiration] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Magma Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [End Infusion] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Rejuvenation] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Insecticide] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Liquid Shot] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Radiance] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Chopless] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Pentashot] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Arachnid] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Bolt] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Binding Curse] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Serrated] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Stone Switcher] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Smite] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Carve] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Grapple] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Dweller] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Dynamite] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Corrosive] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Frozen] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Slaughter] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Spiked] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Decay Curse] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Hellish] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Netheric] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Stray Aspect] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Volatile] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Zeus] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Soul Speed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Nether Infusion] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Calling Curse] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Preservation] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Block Breather] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Void Affinity] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Impaling] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Green Thumb] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Voltage] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Flame] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Rage] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Thor] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Grit] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Fury] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Feather Falling] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Smoke Artifact] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Sharpness] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Razor] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Missile] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Unbreaking] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Luck Of The Sea] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Toxic] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Drill] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Knockback] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new ench [Looting] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Loading potions translations...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Creating potioni18n.yml
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Speed] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Slow] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Fast Digging] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Slow Digging] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Increase Damage] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Heal] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Harm] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Jump] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Confusion] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Regeneration] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Damage Resistance] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Fire Resistance] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Water Breathing] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Invisibility] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Blindness] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Night Vision] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Hunger] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Weakness] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Poison] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Wither] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Health Boost] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Absorption] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Saturation] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Glowing] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Levitation] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Luck] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Unluck] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Slow Falling] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Conduit Power] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Dolphins Grace] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Bad Omen] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Found new potion [Hero Of The Village] , adding it to the config...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Using Virtual Item display, loading ProtocolLib support...
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Successfully loaded ProtocolLib support!
[11:13:01 INFO]: [QuickShop] Selected permission provider: Bukkit
[11:13:03 INFO]: [QuickShop] EventManager selected: BukkitEventManager
[11:13:03 INFO]: [QuickShop] Loading shops from the database...
[11:13:03 INFO]: [QuickShop] Used 1ms to fetch all shops from the database.
[11:13:03 INFO]: [QuickShop] Successfully loaded 0 shops! (Used 1ms, Avg 0ms per shop)
[11:13:03 INFO]: [QuickShop] 0 shops will load after chunk have loaded, 0 shops will load after the world has loaded.
[11:13:03 INFO]: [QuickShop] Registering listeners...
[11:13:03 INFO]: [QuickShop] Cleaning MsgUtils...
[11:13:03 INFO]: [QuickShop] Cleaning purchase messages from the database that are over a week old...
[11:13:03 INFO]: [QuickShop] QuickShop Loaded! 2636 ms.
[11:13:03 INFO]: [QuickShop] Log actions is enabled, actions will log in the qs.log file!
[11:13:03 INFO]: [ServerListPlus] Enabling ServerListPlus v3.4.8*
[11:13:03 INFO]: [ServerListPlus] [Core] Reloading configuration...
[11:13:03 INFO]: [ServerListPlus] [Core] Saving configuration...
[11:13:03 WARN]: [ServerListPlus] [Core] Configuration is not enabled, nothing will be changed on the server! Please execute /slp enable to enable the configuration.
[11:13:03 INFO]: [ServerListPlus] [Core] Reloading saved player identities...
[11:13:03 INFO]: [ServerListPlus] Successfully loaded!
[11:13:03 INFO]: [ServerListPlus] ServerListPlus v3.4.8 enabled.
[11:13:03 INFO]: [ShopItemOnly] Enabling ShopItemOnly v1.1
[11:13:03 INFO]: Running delayed init tasks
[11:13:03 INFO]: [Vault] Checking for Updates ...
[11:13:03 INFO]: [QuickShop] Registering bStats metrics...
[11:13:03 INFO]: [QuickShop] Metrics submitted.
[11:13:06 INFO]: [Vault] No new version available
[11:13:07 INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Loaded EcoEnchants
[11:13:07 INFO]: [eco] Loaded eco
[11:13:07 ERROR]: [QuickShop] No Economy plugin detected, did you installed and loaded them? Make sure they loaded before QuickShop.
[11:13:07 ERROR]: [QuickShop] Install an economy plugin to get Vault working.
[11:13:07 INFO]: Done (34.383s)! For help, type "help"
[11:13:07 INFO]: Timings Reset
[11:13:09 WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 5009ms or 100 ticks behind
[11:13:09 INFO]: [EpicSpawners] Loading Crafting Recipes
[11:14:47 INFO]: Error Cannot compile structure. Disabing compiler. (java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make protected final java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int) throws java.lang.ClassFormatError accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @2b8c9087) occured in com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.compiler.BackgroundCompiler@1adaa18.
[11:14:47 ERROR]: [ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot compile structure. Disabing compiler.
If this problem hasn't already been reported, please open a ticket
at with the following data:
Stack Trace:
java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make protected final java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int) throws java.lang.ClassFormatError accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @2b8c9087
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.checkCanSetAccessible(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.checkCanSetAccessible(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.checkCanSetAccessible(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.setAccessible(
at com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.compiler.StructureCompiler.generateClass(
at com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.compiler.StructureCompiler.compile(
at com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.compiler.BackgroundCompiler$
at java.base/
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at java.base/
targetType=class net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PacketHandshakingInSetProtocol
fieldType=class java.lang.Object
data=[private int net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PacketHandshakingInSetProtocol.a, public java.lang.String net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PacketHandshakingInSetProtocol.hostname, public int net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PacketHandshakingInSetProtocol.port, private net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.EnumProtocol net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PacketHandshakingInSetProtocol.d]
defaultFields={public java.lang.String net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PacketHandshakingInSetProtocol.hostname=1, private net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.EnumProtocol net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PacketHandshakingInSetProtocol.d=3}
subtypeCache={class net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.EnumProtocol=StructureModifier[fieldType=class net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.EnumProtocol, data=[private net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.EnumProtocol net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PacketHandshakingInSetProtocol.d]], class java.lang.String=StructureModifier[fieldType=class java.lang.String, data=[public java.lang.String net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PacketHandshakingInSetProtocol.hostname]]}
packetListeners=[PacketAdapter[plugin=eco, sending=ListeningWhitelist[priority=NORMAL, packets=[SET_SLOT[class=PacketPlayOutSetSlot, id=21]], gamephase=PLAYING, options=[]], receiving=EMPTY_WHITELIST], PacketAdapter[plugin=BookExploitFix, sending=EMPTY_WHITELIST, receiving=ListeningWhitelist[priority=LOW, packets=[SET_CREATIVE_SLOT[class=PacketPlayInSetCreativeSlot, id=40]], gamephase=PLAYING, options=[]]], PacketAdapter[plugin=MythicMobs, sending=ListeningWhitelist[priority=NORMAL, packets=[ENTITY_LOOK[class=PacketPlayOutEntityLook, id=41], REL_ENTITY_MOVE_LOOK[class=PacketPlayOutRelEntityMoveLook, id=40]], gamephase=PLAYING, options=[]], receiving=EMPTY_WHITELIST], PacketAdapter[plugin=eco, sending=EMPTY_WHITELIST, receiving=ListeningWhitelist[priority=NORMAL, packets=[SET_CREATIVE_SLOT[class=PacketPlayInSetCreativeSlot, id=40]], gamephase=PLAYING, options=[]]], PacketAdapter[plugin=eco, sending=ListeningWhitelist[priority=NORMAL, packets=[WINDOW_ITEMS[class=PacketPlayOutWindowItems, id=19]], gamephase=PLAYING, options=[]], receiving=EMPTY_WHITELIST], PacketAdapter[plugin=eco, sending=ListeningWhitelist[priority=MONITOR, packets=[CHAT[class=PacketPlayOutChat, id=14]], gamephase=PLAYING, options=[]], receiving=EMPTY_WHITELIST], PacketAdapter[plugin=eco, sending=ListeningWhitelist[priority=MONITOR, packets=[OPEN_WINDOW_MERCHANT[class=PacketPlayOutOpenWindowMerchant, id=38]], gamephase=PLAYING, options=[]], receiving=EMPTY_WHITELIST], PacketAdapter[plugin=IllegalStack, sending=EMPTY_WHITELIST, receiving=ListeningWhitelist[priority=NORMAL, packets=[USE_ENTITY[class=PacketPlayInUseEntity, id=14]], gamephase=PLAYING, options=[]]], PacketAdapter[plugin=eco, sending=ListeningWhitelist[priority=NORMAL, packets=[AUTO_RECIPE[class=PacketPlayOutAutoRecipe, id=47]], gamephase=PLAYING, options=[]], receiving=EMPTY_WHITELIST], PacketAdapter[plugin=SecuredNetwork, sending=EMPTY_WHITELIST, receiving=ListeningWhitelist[priority=NORMAL, packets=[SET_PROTOCOL[class=PacketHandshakingInSetProtocol, id=0]], gamephase=PLAYING, options=[]]]]
classLoader=PluginClassLoader{plugin=ProtocolLib v4.6.0, pluginEnabled=true, url=plugins\ProtocolLib(2).jar}
library=ProtocolLib v4.6.0
minecraftVersion=(MC: 1.16.5)
ProtocolLib v4.6.0
Java Version:
git-Paper-573 (MC: 1.16.5)
whitelist add RIPISDEAD
[11:15:52 INFO]: Added RIPISDEAD to the whitelist
Duplicate of #1162
This issue was resolved in build 499+.