

PacketContainer#getEntityUseActions().read(0); throws an Exception

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The PacketContainer.getEntityUseActions().read(0); method throws an Exception in Minecraft 1.17

You can reproduce the error by adding a PacketListener and checking if the packet is equal to a "PacketPlayInUseEntity" packet, if that's the case, you have to get the Actions, after that it throws the exception.

The method should return the use action of the packet (EntityUseAction).

I don't have any screenshots but here's the log (only the error):

I used the last release of ProtocolLib (4.7.0)

I tried to recode the ArtMap plugin for the new 1.17 Update, it used that function of ProtocolLib, I realized that they obfuscated some variables in the newset 1.17 NMS (compared to spigot 1.16).


try PacketContainer#getEnumEntityUseActions().read(0).getAction()

iirc that is what solved it for me