


linpan0 opened this issue · 4 comments


My server is on version 1.17.1
I'm trying to access the displayName, prefix & suffix in PacketPlayOutScoreboardTeam.
However, with 1.17, the layout of the class changed.
It looks like this now:

The displayName, prefix & suffix(a, b, c) is wrapped in "Optional<PacketPlayOutScoreboardTeam.b> k"
I was wondering how to modify those fields.


Hi @Bqckword,

had the same issue with my scoreboards. Luckily ProtocolLib provides easy ways to add your own wrappers and converters. So I quickly wrote one for my needs. This is not tested at all so use with caution.

You can obtain an instance from the PacketType.Play.Server.SCOREBOARD_TEAM packet with this snippet:

Optional<?> team = (Optional<?>) event.getPacket().getModifier().withType(Optional.class).read(0);
if (team.isPresent()) {
    return Optional.of(WrappedScoreboardTeam.fromHandle(team.get()));
return Optional.empty();

The WrappedScoreboardTeam class:

import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team.OptionStatus;

import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.Accessors;
import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.FieldAccessor;
import com.comphenix.protocol.utility.MinecraftReflection;
import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.AbstractWrapper;
import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.EnumWrappers;
import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.EnumWrappers.IndexedEnumConverter;
import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedChatComponent;

public class WrappedScoreboardTeam extends AbstractWrapper {

    private static final FieldAccessor DISPLAY_NAME = Accessors
        .getFieldAccessor(MinecraftReflection.getMinecraftClass("$b"), "a", true);
    private static final FieldAccessor PREFIX = Accessors
        .getFieldAccessor(MinecraftReflection.getMinecraftClass("$b"), "b", true);
    private static final FieldAccessor SUFFIX = Accessors
        .getFieldAccessor(MinecraftReflection.getMinecraftClass("$b"), "c", true);

    private static final FieldAccessor NAME_TAG_VISIBILITY = Accessors
        .getFieldAccessor(MinecraftReflection.getMinecraftClass("$b"), "d", true);
    private static final FieldAccessor COLLISION_RULE = Accessors
        .getFieldAccessor(MinecraftReflection.getMinecraftClass("$b"), "e", true);
    private static final FieldAccessor TEAM_COLOR = Accessors
        .getFieldAccessor(MinecraftReflection.getMinecraftClass("$b"), "f", true);
    private static final FieldAccessor FRIENDLY_FLAGS = Accessors
        .getFieldAccessor(MinecraftReflection.getMinecraftClass("$b"), "g", true);

    private static final Class<?> ENUM_CHAT_FORMAT_CLASS = MinecraftReflection.getMinecraftClass("EnumChatFormat");
    private static final IndexedEnumConverter<ChatColor> CHATCOLOR_CONVERTER = new EnumWrappers.IndexedEnumConverter<>(ChatColor.class,

    private WrappedScoreboardTeam(Object handle) {

    public static WrappedScoreboardTeam fromHandle(Object handle) {
        return new WrappedScoreboardTeam(handle);

    public WrappedChatComponent getDisplayName() {
        return WrappedChatComponent.fromHandle(DISPLAY_NAME.get(this.handle));

    public void setDisplayName(WrappedChatComponent displayName) {
        DISPLAY_NAME.set(this.handle, displayName.getHandle());

    public WrappedChatComponent getPrefix() {
        return WrappedChatComponent.fromHandle(PREFIX.get(this.handle));

    public void setPrefix(WrappedChatComponent prefix) {
        PREFIX.set(this.handle, prefix.getHandle());

    public WrappedChatComponent getSuffix() {
        return WrappedChatComponent.fromHandle(SUFFIX.get(this.handle));

    public void setSuffix(WrappedChatComponent suffix) {
        SUFFIX.set(this.handle, suffix.getHandle());

    public OptionStatus getNameTagVisibility() {
        final String value = (String) NAME_TAG_VISIBILITY.get(this.handle);
        switch (value) {
            case "always":
                return OptionStatus.ALWAYS;
            case "never":
                return OptionStatus.NEVER;
            case "hideForOtherTeams":
                return OptionStatus.FOR_OTHER_TEAMS;
            case "hideForOwnTeam":
                return OptionStatus.FOR_OWN_TEAM;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected value: " + value);

    public void setNameTagVisibility(OptionStatus value) {
        switch (value) {
            case ALWAYS:
                NAME_TAG_VISIBILITY.set(this.handle, "always");
            case NEVER:
                NAME_TAG_VISIBILITY.set(this.handle, "never");
            case FOR_OTHER_TEAMS:
                NAME_TAG_VISIBILITY.set(this.handle, "hideForOtherTeams");
            case FOR_OWN_TEAM:
                NAME_TAG_VISIBILITY.set(this.handle, "hideForOwnTeam");
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected value: " + value);

    public OptionStatus getCollisionRule() {
        final String value = (String) COLLISION_RULE.get(this.handle);
        switch (value) {
            case "always":
                return OptionStatus.ALWAYS;
            case "never":
                return OptionStatus.NEVER;
            case "pushOtherTeams":
                return OptionStatus.FOR_OTHER_TEAMS;
            case "pushOwnTeam":
                return OptionStatus.FOR_OWN_TEAM;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected value: " + value);

    public void setCollisionRule(OptionStatus value) {
        switch (value) {
            case ALWAYS:
                COLLISION_RULE.set(this.handle, "always");
            case NEVER:
                COLLISION_RULE.set(this.handle, "never");
            case FOR_OTHER_TEAMS:
                COLLISION_RULE.set(this.handle, "pushOtherTeams");
            case FOR_OWN_TEAM:
                COLLISION_RULE.set(this.handle, "pushOwnTeam");
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected value: " + value);

    public ChatColor getTeamColor() {
        return ChatColor.getByChar(TEAM_COLOR.get(this.handle).toString().charAt(1));

    public void setTeamColor(ChatColor value) {
        if (value.isColor() || value == ChatColor.RESET) {
            TEAM_COLOR.set(this.handle, CHATCOLOR_CONVERTER.getGeneric(value));

    public boolean getFriendlyFire() {
        int intValue = ((Integer) FRIENDLY_FLAGS.get(this.handle)).intValue();
        return (intValue & 0x01) == 1;

    public void setFriendlyFire(boolean value) {
        int currentValue = ((Integer) FRIENDLY_FLAGS.get(this.handle)).intValue();
        if (getFriendlyFire() && !value) {
            // is already friendly fire but should not be
            FRIENDLY_FLAGS.set(this.handle, Integer.valueOf(currentValue ^ 0x01));
        else if (value) {
            // is already friendly fire but should not be
            FRIENDLY_FLAGS.set(this.handle, Integer.valueOf(currentValue | 0x01));

    public boolean getFriendlySeeInvisible() {
        int intValue = ((Integer) FRIENDLY_FLAGS.get(this.handle)).intValue();
        return (intValue & 0x02) == 2;

    public void setFriendlySeeInvisible(boolean value) {
        int currentValue = ((Integer) FRIENDLY_FLAGS.get(this.handle)).intValue();
        if (getFriendlyFire() && !value) {
            // is already friendly fire but should not be
            FRIENDLY_FLAGS.set(this.handle, Integer.valueOf(currentValue ^ 0x02));
        else if (value) {
            // is already friendly fire but should not be
            FRIENDLY_FLAGS.set(this.handle, Integer.valueOf(currentValue | 0x02));

I'm sorry but don't think so. The event.getPacket().getHandle() will give you an object of type This class contains a field Optional<b> k (in the obfuscated code) that contains an instance of the static nested class b which contains the real team data.

So to get the team data of this packet, you first need to get the Optional k and the value of this Optional. This can be achieved through my first snippet. The returned Optional contains the instance of class b. This instance is now wrapped by the WrappedScoreboardTeam class in my second snippet.

To me there is no way you can get the team directly from the event.getPacket().getHandle() without using my first snippet. There may be other ways to get the Optional from the packet itself (e.g. using event.getPacket().getOptionalStructures()) or you may be using my first snippet in the constructor of the WrappedScoreboardTeam class.


@kaonashi97 The first code snippet is wrong / does not fit at all to the second code snippet.

Its shuold be simply WrappedScoreboardTeam.fromHandle(event.getPacket().getHandle()) for the first snippet


I'm sorry but don't think so. The event.getPacket().getHandle() will give you an object of type This class contains a field Optional<b> k (in the obfuscated code) that contains an instance of the static nested class b which contains the real team data.

So to get the team data of this packet, you first need to get the Optional k and the value of this Optional. This can be achieved through my first snippet. The returned Optional contains the instance of class b. This instance is now wrapped by the WrappedScoreboardTeam class in my second snippet.

To me there is no way you can get the team directly from the event.getPacket().getHandle() without using my first snippet. There may be other ways to get the Optional from the packet itself (e.g. using event.getPacket().getOptionalStructures()) or you may be using my first snippet in the constructor of the WrappedScoreboardTeam class.

I'm sorry, I should've looked at the minecraft source before writing this.