Plugin said to report this error
ShreshthTiwari opened this issue · 1 comments
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Created by xNeox (Discord: xNeox#0524)
Support Discord:
║ Geographical Checks ║
Country check will filter countries your players can connect from.
NEVER (default) - check is disabled.
ALWAYS - check will be always performed.
ATTACK - check will be performed only during bot-attack.
It is reccomended to ENABLE AND SETUP this check!
country-check-mode: ALWAYS
This will define if country-check should be blacklist or whitelist.
BLACKLIST - countries below are blocked
WHITELIST - only countries below are allowed
country-check-type: BLACKLIST
List of country codes:
- A1
- A2
- O1
If some player's city is listed here, he will be blacklisted.
- ExampleCity
║ Other AntiBot Checks ║
Proxy check will define if user is connecting from Proxy/VPN.
Change this option to save performance or increase accuracy
NEVER - check is disabled.
ALWAYS (default) - check will be always performed.
ATTACK - check will be performed only during bot-attack.
proxy-check: ATTACK
Recommended option!
Register an account here:
And get your FREE api key.
Without key - 100 requests/24h
With key - 1000 requests/24h
Alternatively, you can set your own service
at the botton of this configuration.
proxy-check-key: "585948-5378nb-854079-2g781f"
This check will limit how many accounts
(different nicknames) can be used by one IP address
NEVER - check is disabled.
ALWAYS (default) - check will be always performed.
ATTACK - check will be performed only during bot-attack.
account-limit-check: ALWAYS
Limit of accounts per one IP address.
max-accounts-per-ip: 4
Reconnect check will force users to join the server again.
NEVER - check is disabled.
ALWAYS - check will be always performed.
ATTACK (default) - check will be performed only during bot-attack.
reconnect-check: ATTACK
Server-list check will force users to add your server.
to their server list (and pinging it) before joining.
NEVER - check is disabled.
ALWAYS - check will be always performed.
ATTACK (default) - check will be performed only during bot-attack.
server-list-check: ATTACK
Should every user (except if he is whitelisted)
be disconnected when there is an bot attack?
Enable for better protection, disable to allow NEW players during attack.
attack-deny-join: false
Time in seconds the player must be online
to be added to the EpicGuard's whitelist.
Default: 240 (4 minutes)
auto-whitelist-time: 240
Rate-limit check will force users to wait some seconds.
before joining the server again (configurable below).
NEVER - check is disabled.
ALWAYS - check will perform on every player always.
ATTACK (default) - check will perform only during bot attack.
rate-limit-check: ALWAYS
How many seconds users will need to wait
between joining the server again? (See check above).
rate-limit-seconds: 10
Nickname-check will block players if their nickname matches
the regex expression set in the 'nickname-check-expression'.
NEVER - check is disabled.
ALWAYS - check will perform on every player always.
ATTACK (default) - check will perform only during bot attack.
nickname-check: ALWAYS
Default value will check if the nickname contains 'bot' or 'mcspam'.
You can use for making and testing your own expression.
nickname-check-expression: (?i).(MCBOT|bot|mcspam).
║ Other Settings ║
How many connections per second must be made,
to activate attack mode temporally?
max-cps: 6
Shoud the auto-whitelist feature be enabled?
Whitelisted players are exempt from every check.
auto-whitelist: false
If you want to use other proxy/vpn checker
than default (, you can set it here.
Available placeholders: %ip%
custom-proxy-check-url: "disabled"
How long in minutes responses from proxy check should be cached?
proxy-check-cache-duration: 30
Change when the console-filter should be active.
ALWAYS (default) - always filter console messages
ATTACK - only filter console messages when there is an active attack
NEVER - completely disable the console-filter feature.
console-filter-mode: ALWAYS
If log message contains one of these words, it will
be hidden. This can save a lot of CPU on big attacks.
- GameProfile
- Disconnected
- UUID of player
- logged in
- lost connection
- InitialHandler
- firewall
- Error pinging remote server
- plugin closed the connection
- exception
- connection
- player already has
- this data is stored
- You are currently using free(trial) version of Matrix!
- Error
- error
- channel
- com.viaversion
- metaType
- java.lang
- Plugin listener
- min/max
- Untracked
- io.netty
- No light data
- Event
- org.geysermc
- java.base
- java.util
Set to false to disable update checker.
update-checker: true
Time in minutes before auto-saving data.
autosave-interval: 10
Enabling this will log positive bot detections in the console.
debug: false