

#1740 has broken the PRIMED_TNT entity

Peng1104 opened this issue ยท 7 comments

  • This issue is not solved in a development build

Describe the bug

Video showing the bug

The new way of getting the entitys, (#1740) has broken my plugin, Bukkit has a long problem of getting some entitys by their IDs, in special the PRIMED_TNT.

My Code:

public void onSend(PacketEvent event) {
	if (event.getPacketType() == Server.SPAWN_ENTITY) {
		PacketPlayOutSpawnEntity packet = new PacketPlayOutSpawnEntity(event.getPacket()); //PacketWrapper
		if (packet.getEntityType() == EntityType.PRIMED_TNT) {
			for (ProtectedRegion region : getRegionSet(getManager(event.getPlayer().getWorld()), packet.getLocation())) { // WorldGuard Stuff
				if (region.getFlag(flag) == State.ALLOW) { // WorldGuard Stuff
					packet.getEntity(event).remove(); //Entity is null

Expected behavior
Revert this commit.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Version Info
ProtocolLib-5.0.0-SNAPSHOT-b576 to the latest one.


git-Paper-86 (MC: 1.19.1)


Idk what you want to say, but it seems to work for me?
I'm using this code:

ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().addPacketListener(new PacketAdapter(this, PacketType.Play.Server.SPAWN_ENTITY) {
  public void onPacketSending(PacketEvent event) {
    EntityType type = event.getPacket().getEntityTypeModifier().read(0);
    Entity resolved = event.getPacket().getEntityModifier(event).read(0);

    event.getPlayer().sendMessage(type + " /// " + resolved);

And get that output:


git-Paper-86 (MC: 1.19.1)

Thx, I found it out now I affect the 1.8.X minecraft server version


@derklaro As you where the autor of the #1740 can you help me to create a check if the ProtocolLib is running in a legacy version and use the old way of getting the Entitys?


Interesting, seems like there are different types of lists when an entity is added to the world. For TNT it kinda looks like this: addToAllEntity -> trackAndSendPacket -> addEntityById. Therefore you cannot find the entity using the outbound id.

I'm not happy with just using the old way (looping over all entities) to find the entity, there must be a better way to do that. Will take a look into that soonish.


Interesting, seems like there are different types of lists when an entity is added to the world. For TNT it kinda looks like this: addToAllEntity -> trackAndSendPacket -> addEntityById. Therefore you cannot find the entity using the outbound id.

I'm not happy with just using the old way (looping over all entities) to find the entity, there must be a better way to do that. Will take a look into that soonish.

Thx I am no specialist at the minecraft server inside workings, I have made a work around using the EntityExplodeEvent for my problem, but it has cause a side effect of a invisible PRIMED_TNT been pressent until it explodes, blocking any projectile from hitting the "behind" TNT.

public void onSend(PacketEvent event) {
	if (event.getPacketType() == Server.SPAWN_ENTITY) {
		PacketPlayOutSpawnEntity packet = new PacketPlayOutSpawnEntity(event.getPacket());
		if (packet.getEntityType() == EntityType.PRIMED_TNT) {
			for (ProtectedRegion region : getRegionSet(getManager(event.getPlayer().getWorld()),
					packet.getLocation())) {
				if (region.getFlag(flag) == State.ALLOW) {

private void onTNTExplosion(@NotNull EntityExplodeEvent event) {
	if (event.getEntityType() == EntityType.PRIMED_TNT) {
		for (ProtectedRegion region : getRegionSet(getManager(event.getEntity().getWorld()),
				event.getEntity().getLocation())) {
			if (region.getFlag(flag) == State.ALLOW) {

FTR: seems like the tracking change was introduced in 1.14