

Cannot join my server [Packet encoding of packet ID] error

blodalv opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Describe the bug
I haven't had the issue before but I've been working on my server and have had multiple worlds for certain things and getting close to finishing my project so I decided to remove the other worlds and stick to the world I've built.
However changing world causes an issue that doesn't allow me to join my server and I've looked through every single plugin with this and it all came down to protocollib.
So in conclusion, if I change the world in the properties server file the error occurs but if I change back to the world I had before, the error doesn't happen, it works fine on that world but I cannot change world.

Screenshots this is the message popping up when I try to join the server

Version Info
Latest current build #587

Additional context
I just need to know what to do here, protocollib is after all a dependancy for so many plugins, especially ones that I use, please help!
My server runs on 1.19