How can I read a Enum/Varint
Nerd10000 opened this issue · 4 comments
For exemple from my function :
public static PacketContainer createPacketNES(UUID uuid, int entityID, Location location) {
PacketContainer nesPacket = new PacketContainer(PacketType.Play.Server.SPAWN_ENTITY);
var spawnPacketModifier = nesPacket.getModifier(); // to get Values uses .getValues()
spawnPacketModifier.write(0, entityID);
spawnPacketModifier.write(1, uuid);
spawnPacketModifier.write(2, 122); // ID for player
spawnPacketModifier.write(3, location.getX());
spawnPacketModifier.write(4, location.getY());
spawnPacketModifier.write(5, location.getZ());
spawnPacketModifier.write(6, getCompressedAngle(location.getYaw()));
spawnPacketModifier.write(7, getCompressedAngle(location.getPitch()));
return nesPacket;
From my issue #2856
By following the documentation that you can find here: it seems that index 2 is now a VarInt corresponding to