Inconsistent packet handlers with ProtocolLib versions
Olzie-12 opened this issue · 6 comments
- This issue is not solved in a development build
Describe the bug
Very inconsistent packet containers, upon using 5.2.0. The OPEN_SIGN_EDITOR works just fine. I used some debug and this is what it prints in console.
PacketContainer[type=OPEN_SIGN_EDITOR[class=PacketPlayOutOpenSignEditor, id=50], structureModifier=StructureModifier[fieldType=class java.lang.Object, data=[com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.DefaultFieldAccessor@3c483959, com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.DefaultFieldAccessor@7f3fd91f]]]
[00:09:28 INFO]:
[00:09:28 INFO]: OPEN_SIGN_EDITOR[class=PacketPlayOutOpenSignEditor, id=50]
with code:
PacketContainer openSign = ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().createPacket(PacketType.Play.Server.OPEN_SIGN_EDITOR);
The sign opens just fine.
Now when I switch over to the dev build: 5.3.0 # 720 build, the console prints this.
PacketContainer[type=OPEN_SIGN_EDITOR[class=PacketStatusOutPong, id=52], structureModifier=StructureModifier[fieldType=class java.lang.Object, data=[com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.DefaultFieldAccessor@707c35ec]]]
[00:07:21 INFO]:
[00:07:21 INFO]: OPEN_SIGN_EDITOR[class=PacketStatusOutPong, id=52]
Now the issue with this is, for some reason the handle is PacketStatusOutPong? I am using server version 1.20.4, Paper.
It won't let me send the sign editor because its saying:
[23:27:44 WARN]: FieldAccessException: Field index 0 is out of bounds for length 0
[23:27:44 WARN]: at ProtocolLib.jar//com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.FieldAccessException.fromFormat(
[23:27:44 WARN]: at ProtocolLib.jar//com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.StructureModifier.write(
When trying to write the block position modifier, I assume its because its not using the right handler.
interesting. does this happen in listeners or just when creating?
well as far as i know it’s just from creating, it’s when i’m creating packet container and then applying correct meta to it
makes sense. was just wondering if you'd seen it in the listeners as well. would point to a larger issue. i'll look into this. have a few theories as to what's going on here
i was able to reproduce this and thankfully it's specific to OPEN_SIGN_EDITOR in 1.20.4. now to figure out exactly why