

format money

Angelius782 opened this issue · 6 comments


Follow this template except for feature requests. Use pastebin when providing /protocol dump and any relevant errors.
Make sure you've done the following:

  • [V ] You're using the latest build for your server version
  • [ V] This isn't fixed in a recent development build
  • [ V] This isn't an issue caused by another plugin
  • [V ] You've checked for duplicate issues
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    Debug paste link: i don't understad what is it ?
    Description and relevant errors:

hello, i would like to format money count like something like this but i don't have find the command
'1000': 1k
'1000000': 1m
'1000000000': 1b
'1000000000000': 1t

exemple 1200000 => 1,2m

Clipboarder 2024 09 09 Clipboarder 2024 09 09

Ce problème n'a rien à voir avec ProtocolLib?
This issue has nothing to do with ProtocolLib?


Pas de soucis ça arrive !


non, c'est pour simplescore


Alors pourquoi avoir ouvert une issue sous le dépôt ProtocolLib ? Je te conseille de fermer cette issue et d’aller voir du côté de simplescore.


désolé je me suis tromper de lien... je repost labas, désolé et merci... ( je le ferme des que j'ai transferer labas )


I guess this unrelated to I'm just gone close this