[IllegalAccessException] When using Advancement Packet Wrapper!
riflowth opened this issue ยท 2 comments
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Debug paste link: https://pastebin.com/885bqi2E
Description and relevant errors: First sorry for my bad English. I try to use your packet wrapper (https://github.com/dmulloy2/PacketWrapper/blob/master/PacketWrapper/src/main/java/com/comphenix/packetwrapper/WrapperPlayServerAdvancements.java) but I get this stack trace error.
This issue is still happening to us aswell when we are trying to use the AdvancementPacketWrapper, exact same error. Any hopes for a fix? @dmulloy2
And I try to read packet with your wrapper. I get it too (StackTrace: https://pastebin.com/Zu28H1QD)