"Plugin is disabled" and files don't generate
yro7 opened this issue ยท 8 comments
Description and relevant errors:
Hi, ProtocolLib "don't works". I don't know what is happening and what is going wrong, but no commands are working. According to the console, the "plugin is disabled". Moreover, there is no files "ProtocolLib" generated in the server after the restart.
Spigot version used: 1.12.2
I didn't /reload, I /restarted my server, I downloaded the last version
I took the plugin's latest release on Spigot.
Pastebin error : https://pastebin.com/ZPfwNGjH
Debug paste link:
No debug, /protocol dump don't work ("An internal error occured while attempting to perform this command").
Thanks you in advance!
Yes. But, on startup, this error appear in the console :
And I also found this: https://pastebin.com/LinybE8D
Try one of the 4.5.0 dev builds here: http://ci.dmulloy2.net/job/ProtocolLib%20Gradle/
https://pastebin.com/HtFV3SpB < on server restart, I'm not using /reload or PlugMan.
https://pastebin.com/HAvVWrv7 < On /protocol.
Okay I don't think this is an issue for ProtocolLib. That's the same with ChatControl... I'm going to find where this is from, sorry for your time...
That was because of "Mineweb bridge" (a plugin for linking web site with your server). You should add that issue in the FAQ or the wiki ^^ https://docs.mineweb.org/#liaison-un-serveur-par-d-faut