


jujubean23 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I'm getting a linkage error and I'm not sure why. I'm not using the jar for multiple server instances. It spams my console and I just want to figure out why.

Plugins: Core Protect, Player Heads, World Edit, Void Generator, Set Spawn, Chat Emotes, Clear Lag, Permissions Ex, Simple-Auto Save, Vault, Multiverse-Core, ProtocolLib, World Guard, Chest Shop, Essentials, Ultra Cosmetics, Holographic Displays, Super Vanish, Muliverse-Portals, Factions, TAB, and Chat Manager

Console spams this:

I'm on version 1.14.4 using the most recent update.


How do you solved this problem? I'm still getting this error with version 4.5.0 on 1.15.1

[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: [ProtocolLib] Encountered a LinkageError. Make sure you're not using this jar for multiple server instances!
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: [ProtocolLib] If you're getting this error for other reasons, please report it!
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: 	at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ProtocolInjector.onPacketSending(
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: 	at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelInjector.processSending(
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: 	at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelInjector.access$800(
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: 	at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelInjector$3.handleScheduled(
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: 	at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelInjector$3.onMessageScheduled(
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: 	at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelProxy$2.schedulingRunnable(
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: 	at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.EventLoopProxy.execute(
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: 	at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.NetworkManager.b(
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: 	at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.NetworkManager.sendPacket(
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: 	at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.PlayerConnection.a(
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: 	at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.PlayerConnection.sendPacket(
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: 	at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.PlayerList.tick(
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: 	at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.MinecraftServer.b(
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: 	at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.DedicatedServer.b(
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: 	at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.MinecraftServer.a(
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: 	at
[14:38:24] [Server thread/WARN]: 	at java.base/

what server software with what version?
what plugins?