Maven repository runs in low disk-space so artifacts cannot be downloaded
DiscowZombie opened this issue · 20 comments
since approximate two hours, my team and I are unable to download artifacts coming from your Maven repository (a 500 error is returned). After a little research, we found that this issue is caused by a low-disk space on the machine hosting the database attached with the Maven repository (as demonstrated on this page):
javax.servlet.ServletException: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OLowDiskSpaceException: Error occurred while executing a write operation to database 'component' due to limited free space on the disk (6 MB). The database is now working in read-only mode. Please close the database (or stop OrientDB), make room on your hard drive and then reopen the database. The minimal required space is 256 MB. Required space is now set to 256MB (you can change it by setting parameter storage.diskCache.diskFreeSpaceLimit) . DB name="component"
Disclaimer: I know that this issue is not directly related to ProtocolLib but developers are affected significantly, and that's the only place I found to warn about it.
@dmulloy2 any update ?
since approximate two hours, my team and I are unable to download artifacts coming from your Maven repository (a 500 error is returned). After a little research, we found that this issue is caused by a low-disk space on the machine hosting the database attached with the Maven repository (as demonstrated on this page):
javax.servlet.ServletException: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OLowDiskSpaceException: Error occurred while executing a write operation to database 'component' due to limited free space on the disk (6 MB). The database is now working in read-only mode. Please close the database (or stop OrientDB), make room on your hard drive and then reopen the database. The minimal required space is 256 MB. Required space is now set to 256MB (you can change it by setting parameter storage.diskCache.diskFreeSpaceLimit) . DB name="component"Disclaimer: I know that this issue is not directly related to ProtocolLib but developers are affected significantly, and that's the only place I found to warn about it.
I confirm: I'm unable to use ProtocolLib with maven or gradle
dmulloy2 let me know if you need a hosted maven repo but I assume it just needs some love.
Till things are resolved I've mirrored to mine. Use the following repo definition:
<!-- Bundabrg's Repo -->
@bundabrg Thanks. Hjälten vi behöver
@bundabrg no doesn't work :-/
I provide that as well and have modified protocollib-parent pom to remove the repos in there.
You may need to remove ~./m2/repositories/com/comphenix then perform a mvn -U clean install
@wmelo92 @hornta
i uploaded it to a temporary repo
only 4.4.0, build425, i am sorry but i don't have 4.5.0
i will delete it when official repo online
repo url:
gradle example:
maven {
name 'ProtocolLib Repo'
// url ''
url ''
Hello, I'm hosting both 4.4.0 and 4.5.0 on
Nexus view:
You can also check the automatic build jobs for both branches at:
maven {
name 'CodeMc repo'
url ''
Thanks for keeping this excellent plugin going.
out of interest sake @sgdc3 how do you handle ProtocolLib-Parent pom adding the (then) broken repo back into the mix thus invalidating the ability to host a mirror? I'm thinking of adding 3rd party compiles but get caught by this often.
I did the same with BukkitExecutors
@pixar02 with the official repo? try with the "-B -U clean package" maven scope