How To manipulate the packet MAP_CHUNK?
FREE2WIN2 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
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Describe the question
I want to manipulate the NBT-Data of the Packet.Play.Server.Map_Chunk packet.
API method(s) used
see code
Expected behavior
I want to override specific blocks to another material(e.g. dirt to stone)
In cause of many blockupdates per tick per chunk Minecraft fires the PacketPlayOutMapChunk, which I want to manipulate with Protocollib
protocolManager.addPacketListener( new PacketAdapter(Main.getMain(), ListenerPriority.HIGHEST, PacketType.Play.Server.MAP_CHUNK) {
public void onPacketSending(PacketEvent event) {
Player p = event.getPlayer();
if (event.getPacketType().equals(PacketType.Play.Server.MAP_CHUNK)) {
PacketContainer packet = event.getPacket();
PacketContainer clone = packet.shallowClone();
List<NbtBase<?>> listout = new ArrayList<>();
int zaehler = -1;
for (List<NbtBase<?>> listNBT : packet.getListNbtModifier().getValues()) {
for (NbtBase<?> base : listNBT) {
NbtCompound nbt = NbtFactory.asCompound(base);
int x = nbt.getInteger("x");
int y = nbt.getInteger("y");
int z = nbt.getInteger("z");
List<String> apllRegions = regions.getApplicableRegionsIDs(, y, z));
Material m = Material.getMaterial(nbt.getString("id").replace("minecraft:", "").toUpperCase());
if (materials.contains(m)) {
if (apllRegions.contains("south")) {
if (Main.aWdlWhitelist.contains(p.getName()) || Main.teamSmembers.contains(p.getName())) {
} else {
//here manipulate the packet
listout.add((NbtBase<?>) nbt);
}else if (apllRegions.contains("north")) {
if (Main.aWdlWhitelist.contains(p.getName())|| Main.teamSmembers.contains(p.getName())) {
} else {
//here manipulate the packet
listout.add((NbtBase<?>) nbt.);
clone.getListNbtModifier().write(zaehler, listout);
Even if I try to set complete new NBT-Data it doesnt work..
NbtCompound out = NbtFactory.ofCompound(null);
out.put("x", x);
out.put("y", y);
out.put("z", z);
out.put("id", "minecraft:endstone");
I'm not sure I entirely understand your code here:
if (apllRegions.contains("south")) {
if (Main.aWdlWhitelist.contains(p.getName()) || Main.teamSmembers.contains(p.getName())) {
} else {
//here manipulate the packet
listout.add((NbtBase<?>) nbt);
}else if (apllRegions.contains("north")) {
if (Main.aWdlWhitelist.contains(p.getName())|| Main.teamSmembers.contains(p.getName())) {
} else {
//here manipulate the packet
listout.add((NbtBase<?>) nbt.);
It seems like this should be at the beginning, outside the loop.
And I guess what do you mean by "doesn't work" like does nothing happen or is the world not displaying correctly?