

Error caused by protocolLib

BHGKing opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Protocol dump paste link:

Description and relevant errors:
So for some reason or another protocolLib seems to be causing an error with Featherboard (im assuming). I get the error below when i /fb reload featherboard the error is displayed below but the error is only displayed on my bungeecord server nowhere else on any other server is it displayed. i've tested every single plugin individually and its only protocolLib that seems to be causing the error. I don't know exactly why but when i remove it everything works fine except the plugins that use ProtocolLib. I've also tested this on a non-Bungeecord server with all my plugins and it worked fine so i'm not sure if its something with bungeecord and protocolLib or what. I am also using the most recent build of protocolLib and for some reason it still tells me there is an update for protocol so i'm not sure if they are related or what is going on but I do need the protocolLib so Any help or fix is appreciated (error in bungeecord server)