No connection
Zezzin opened this issue ยท 22 comments
I'm here because this issue correspond exactly to my problem.
I'm the owner and main dev of Negativity, and i don't know why but the problem of No connection appear only with Negativity & ProtocolLib.
This is the code that i'm using, to know what i'm doing wrong:
I finally find the problem. I just fix it, it will be include in next version ! (It's because i was loading Handshake packets)
I think you can close this because it appear because of my plugin.
Im new to this, is this what you mean?
Settings for the automatic version updater
auto updater:
notify: true
download: false
Number of seconds to wait until a new update is downloaded
delay: 43200 # 12 hours
metrics: true
Automatically compile structure modifiers
background compiler: true
Disable version checking for the given Minecraft version. Backup your world first!
ignore version check:
Override the starting injecting method
injection method:
Whether or not to enable the filter command
debug: false
Whether or not to print a stack trace for every warning
detailed error: false
The engine used by the filter command
script engine: JavaScript
suppressed reports:`
I need some more information. Run /protocol dump
and paste the output using pastebin.
@holyaurora21 could you try removing that to see if its the issue? or I can try it a bit later if you can't
@Zezzin we updated paper to latest, LibsDisquises also had a update also (i got paid version tho)
removed negativity. Added instead as a replacement.
No connection is now solved for us.
not sure if the update to libsdisquises solved the issue or the replacment of negativity or the update of paper. I did it all at once sorry
Oh awesome! Im using paper so that shouldn't be the issue, and I removed lib disguises entirely so that shouldn't be it either.. I guess it was negativity... so weird.. thanks for the help!
Are you sure why this would cause this issue? @dmulloy2
@Zezzin glad its working for us both :) i have no clue why its negativity, they do however have a discord server (the negativity one) might be wize to tell them also about this issue....
it maybe something they also need to sort
it says on the page 'KNOWN ISSUE: Error COULD appear with ProtocolSupport plugin !'
Hmm so I guess they're aware of it.. odd.. seems like such a random combo of plugins to cause an issue like that
@Zezzin just have to keep a eye on the page and hope they update, use another anticheat for now and hope shiz works :D
im also having this same issue?
@Zezzin try removing these plugins (not ProtocolLib) one by one:
WorldGuardExtraFlags by [isokissa3]
LibsDisguises by [libraryaddict, Byteflux, Navid K.]
VotingPlugin by [Ben12345rocks]
Negativity by [[Elikill58, RedNesto]]
SuperVanish by [MyzelYam]
HolographicDisplays by []
MythicMobs by [Xikage AKA Ashijin]
CoreArena by [kangarko]
GCore by [GuillaumeVDN]
Ok :/ I'll have to wait until I the all my players log off... if its one the plugins clashing with ProtocolLib what would I do then? Also @holyaurora21 do you have any of the same plugins?
@Zezzin we got some that are the same. ArmorStandTools, ChatManager, Citizens, ClearLag, CoreProtect, CraftingStore, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn, HeadsPlus, Holograms, LibsDisguises, Multiverse-Core, Negativity, PermissionsEx*, PlotSquared, ProtocolLib, Vault, VoxelSniper, WorldEdit, WorldGuard
version:git-Paper-77 (MC: 1.15.2)
So coreprotect, libs, negativity, essentials, clearlag, armor standtools, and essentials... I confirmed its not LibsDisguises.. so it must be another one of those
@Zezzin we added negativity recently.