

No connection

Zezzin opened this issue ยท 22 comments


Image 5-19-20 at 5 20 PM
The plugin is cause an issue where it should an X over the connection bars... but players can still join.. I removed all other plugins I was using and pin pointed it to this one.. not sure what the issue could be


I'm here because this issue correspond exactly to my problem.
I'm the owner and main dev of Negativity, and i don't know why but the problem of No connection appear only with Negativity & ProtocolLib.
This is the code that i'm using, to know what i'm doing wrong:


I finally find the problem. I just fix it, it will be include in next version ! (It's because i was loading Handshake packets)
I think you can close this because it appear because of my plugin.


I update the plugin, which fix the problem.


share your code? fill out the issue template?


Im new to this, is this what you mean?
Settings for the automatic version updater
auto updater:
notify: true
download: false

 Number of seconds to wait until a new update is downloaded
delay: 43200 # 12 hours

metrics: true

Automatically compile structure modifiers
background compiler: true

Disable version checking for the given Minecraft version. Backup your world first!
ignore version check:

Override the starting injecting method
injection method:

Whether or not to enable the filter command
debug: false

Whether or not to print a stack trace for every warning
detailed error: false

The engine used by the filter command
script engine: JavaScript

suppressed reports:`


I need some more information. Run /protocol dump and paste the output using pastebin.


@holyaurora21 could you try removing that to see if its the issue? or I can try it a bit later if you can't


@Zezzin we updated paper to latest, LibsDisquises also had a update also (i got paid version tho)
removed negativity. Added instead as a replacement.
No connection is now solved for us.


not sure if the update to libsdisquises solved the issue or the replacment of negativity or the update of paper. I did it all at once sorry


Oh awesome! Im using paper so that shouldn't be the issue, and I removed lib disguises entirely so that shouldn't be it either.. I guess it was negativity... so weird.. thanks for the help!


Are you sure why this would cause this issue? @dmulloy2


@Zezzin glad its working for us both :) i have no clue why its negativity, they do however have a discord server (the negativity one) might be wize to tell them also about this issue....
it maybe something they also need to sort

it says on the page 'KNOWN ISSUE: Error COULD appear with ProtocolSupport plugin !'


Hmm so I guess they're aware of it.. odd.. seems like such a random combo of plugins to cause an issue like that


@Zezzin just have to keep a eye on the page and hope they update, use another anticheat for now and hope shiz works :D


@Zezzin try removing these plugins (not ProtocolLib) one by one:

WorldGuardExtraFlags by [isokissa3]
LibsDisguises by [libraryaddict, Byteflux, Navid K.]
VotingPlugin by [Ben12345rocks]
Negativity by [[Elikill58, RedNesto]]
SuperVanish by [MyzelYam]
HolographicDisplays by []
MythicMobs by [Xikage AKA Ashijin]
CoreArena by [kangarko]
GCore by [GuillaumeVDN]

Ok :/ I'll have to wait until I the all my players log off... if its one the plugins clashing with ProtocolLib what would I do then? Also @holyaurora21 do you have any of the same plugins?


@Zezzin we got some that are the same. ArmorStandTools, ChatManager, Citizens, ClearLag, CoreProtect, CraftingStore, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn, HeadsPlus, Holograms, LibsDisguises, Multiverse-Core, Negativity, PermissionsEx*, PlotSquared, ProtocolLib, Vault, VoxelSniper, WorldEdit, WorldGuard
version:git-Paper-77 (MC: 1.15.2)


So coreprotect, libs, negativity, essentials, clearlag, armor standtools, and essentials... I confirmed its not LibsDisguises.. so it must be another one of those


@Zezzin we added negativity recently.