SuperVanish bug with Protocollib
Sansaup opened this issue · 16 comments
Describe the bug
An error in the console, which makes most of the plugin's features (SuperVanish) to not work.
Expected behavior
When I do /sv or /v, an actionbar is supposed to appear above my inventory items that says I am in vanish.
Version Info
Additional context
The error is getting spammed, until I go out of vanish.
Try using the latest dev build and/or updating super vanish.
Also, that version info is just a path, there's no data in it
You can find the latest development build here:
oh sorry, I always mess up the command. its not a plugin causing it, its actually a left over debug message, introduced to provide compability with plugins, not updated to the 1.16 protocol:
@dmulloy2 I guess this could either be changed to a warning, to allow plugin devs to properly update their stuff (but should only be called once per plugin I guess?), or just straight up dropped.
Build is from the link from before. I'm planning on uploading to spigot probably later this week in the absence of any other issues