MultiBlockChange not working in 1.16.2
GBroad opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Describe the bug
MultiBlockChange not supported in Protocollib 1.16.2
To Reproduce
Initialise MultiBlockChange Protocollib class
Expected behavior
The class will not load, it should load.
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to find MultiBlockChangeInfo (PacketPlayOutMultiBlockChange$MultiBlockChangeInfo)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.MultiBlockChangeInfo
Version Info
Additional context
NMS class fails to resolve.
MultiBlockChange is no longer a class
From dmulloy2:
MultiBlockChangeInfo was removed in 1.16.2, see here for the new format: #949
From dmulloy2:
MultiBlockChangeInfo was removed in 1.16.2, see here for the new format: #949
Given the information in the packet is essentially the same (from my brief glance), would it not be a good idea to let multiblockchange continue to work for backwards compatibility with older plugins?
I think the most significant difference is that the new packet changes a 16x16x16 area. The old one changed a 16x256x16 area.
If it helps, I just wrote a guide on the new block change at