- 2
1.12.2 Protocolib fails to enable with an error
#523 opened by SevenX159 - 2
crash with 1.13.1 client
#522 opened by fensoft - 1
1.13.1: WORLD_PARTICLES gives a NPE on Particle.fromHandle
#521 opened by kangarko - 2
Can you help me with sending packets?
#520 opened by Im-Fran - 3
Can you help me on this PacketListener?
#519 opened by Lix3nn53 - 8
Illegal State Exception on startup, related to modules
#518 opened by TimHarrio - 3
Feature request: Option for sync incoming packet listening just before minecraft handles the packet
#517 opened by Janmm14 - 4
First field of RESPAWN packet is different in 1.13
#516 opened by mirolm - 3
WorldParticlesModule issues
#515 opened by cdmvirt - 2
ProtocolLib wont load!!
#514 opened by UncleM0 - 3
Cannot clone net.minecraft.server.ParticleType: No cloner is suitable.
#513 opened by libraryaddict - 7
1.13.1 support
#512 opened by TheIntelloBox - 1
need support catserver
#511 opened by RhythmNz - 0
[INVALID] Add new DataWatcherSerializers
#510 opened by rbrick - 2
Spelling mistake
#509 opened by TheLimeGlass - 0
An error occurred when calling WrappedBlockData.createData(Material, int)
#508 opened by ballade0d - 1
AdapaterParameteters class misspelled
#507 opened by kennytv - 1
ProtocolLib-API 4.3.0 is broken in the dmulloy2-repo
#506 opened by DmitryRendov - 4
Connection Issues
#505 opened by Andrew909 - 8
null on event.getPlayer().getAddress()?
#504 opened by molor - 2
#503 opened by molor - 1
Cannot clone WrappedCompound
#502 opened by libraryaddict - 1
Players get disconnected
#501 opened by x1p - 1
Can't work on 1.10.2 version Bukkit+Forge server
#500 opened by Luohuayu - 0
LibsDisguise Unhandled exception occured in onPacketSending(PacketEvent) with ProtocolLib dev 411.
#499 opened by mibby - 1
Cannot clone Optional.empty() - No cloner is suitable.
#498 opened by libraryaddict - 3
ProtocolLib + FastLogin Error
#497 opened by jacobbvfx - 5
#496 opened by molor - 4
Builds #404 and #405 Causing Libsdisguises errors just a heads up
#495 opened by axemwa - 10
1.13 SpawnEntityLiving
#494 opened by Ste3et - 2
- 6
Gradle import failed (Unable to resolve com.comphenix.protocol:ProtocolLib-API:4.3.0
#492 opened by bindingflare - 5
Offline Players in tab
#491 opened by fred112f - 1
Saw this in my console
#490 opened by CorkScrewGnome - 1
Causing crashes
#489 opened by MurryPuppins - 1
#488 opened by Sakanas - 0
#486 opened by MikhailY - 1
#484 opened by heartlion1 - 2
MinecraftReflection.getMinecraftItemStack() returns null for CraftItemStacks with Material.AIR
#483 opened by Alvin-LB - 3
#482 opened by AlbeMiglio - 1
Unhandled exception occurred in onPacketSending (PacketEvent)
#481 opened by Tiippex - 2
Startup issue
#480 opened - 2
Crash Players on 1.8, if Spigot 1.12.2
#479 opened by Modiexi - 1
Error in console not working with any plugins.
#478 opened by CyrusMusic101 - 2
Error while adding ProtocolLib-API as a maven dependency
#477 opened by Nova41 - 4
MAP_CHUNK doesn't include NBT data for spawn chunk on first spawn
#476 opened by dordsor21 - 10
protocollib doesnt let players join
#475 opened by UnlimitedNinjas - 1
[1.12.2]ProtocolLib prevent players from logging in
#474 opened by keuin - 2
ProtocolLib Refusing to allow server boot
#473 opened by 1979ProfessionalWordDocumentPaster - 8
Maven repository not resolving
#472 opened by ds58