- 7
Wrong type of structure modifier
#2321 opened by Brad1944 - 3
Idk, Help(?)
#2309 opened by Anonventions - 5
#2308 opened by maximina16 - 1
Error unknown
#2310 opened by Jonontop - 0
Protocollib doesn't work on my server (modded)
#2311 opened by SkyGaut - 1
Scoreboard Issue
#2314 opened by FlyraXD - 2
Kick when joining in 1.19.4 native server
#2315 opened by ulllupollllo - 2
Issues with DataWatcher in the latest Spigot/Paper on TNT Minecarts
#2313 opened by libraryaddict - 1
#2317 opened by boii00 - 1
Console Error - ProtocolLib
#2316 opened by DarkZmaj - 1
Protocollib 616 + 1.19.3
#2320 opened by princemorii - 2
Help please
#2295 opened by Alecvien - 1
Unable to find a field null with the type com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile
#2323 opened by Linuqsior - 2
Errro with build 632
#2322 opened by swalter972 - 1
Please Help
#2296 opened by CrazyCraft88 - 6
#2297 opened by xKrustyz - 1
- 1
#2301 opened by Anonventions - 0
Scoreboard Team set display name not work
#2302 opened by imDMK - 3
The plugin can't hook into ProtocolLib.
#2303 opened by MajliTech - 1
red error told me to report
#2305 opened by bradau2008 - 1
Bug report regarding the use of ProtocolLib on 1.19.2 servers!
#2306 opened by MCZQ - 1
Error Messages
#2307 opened by WANGZIHAOWZ - 1
v5-SNAPSHOT | Could not find packet for type PLAYER_INFO
#2351 opened by DasShorty - 6
How to escape "Chat message validation failure" after PLAYER_INFO Update?
#2352 opened by nakanotti - 4
NoClasDefFoundException for Adventure component conversion
#2324 opened by Andre601 - 1
A bug occurs when logging in to the server
#2325 opened by XLEBXT - 1
#2327 opened by waumiller1818 - 3
TinyProtocol not in the Maven repo anymore
#2326 opened by Seggan - 5
How to set content in ClientboundSystemChatPacket?
#2330 opened by kangarko - 2
[ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Unable to intercept a read client packet.
#2331 opened by PLEXPEAK - 3
INTERNAL ERROR: Told me to open a ticket here!
#2332 opened by Miscodings - 1
#2333 opened by vapidinfinity - 2
Question regarding ProtocolLib 5.0.0 Release
#2334 opened by lukalt - 1
Bug with 1.19.4
#2336 opened by achencraft - 2
[ProtocolLib] Task #13981 for ProtocolLib v3.7.0 generated an exception
#2337 opened by felipeleite5w - 1
Unable to retrieve data objects from packets
#2338 opened by CBlurban - 4
ProtocolLib 5.0.0 latest version error
#2340 opened by GsTio86 - 1
Error on enable
#2341 opened by enuxx - 1
#2345 opened by bulltastic - 1
#2342 opened by bulltastic - 2
How to use UPDATE_DISPLAY_NAME with HEX colors
#2343 opened by Luncaaa - 1
Message error
#2344 opened by phloats - 5
Internal exception
#2347 opened by rishabhk571 - 1
- 1
1.19.4 metadata packet broken
#2349 opened by MelonHell - 2
WrappedServerPing changes aren't applied in 1.19.4
#2350 opened by MrUniverse44 - 2
#2353 opened by ByteAfterlife - 6
Packet encoding of packet ID 82 threw (skippable? false)
#2355 opened by MrClean1337 - 10
set Favicon
#2354 opened by RubenArtz