- 1
Can't load ProtocolLib
#3251 opened by Earth1283 - 3
Error when ever i try to join my survival server version: 1.20.6
#3252 opened by mranthonygamer - 1
I need help for this
#3236 opened by ExtarDu - 2
ProtocolLib reloads itself, which it hates.
#3237 opened by MagmaBro123 - 4
Protocol lib error on 1.21.1 server
#3238 opened by kubaaa203 - 1
[Server thread/ERROR]: [ProtocolLib] Assuming package version: v1_20_R1 [Server thread/ERROR]: [ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib.
#3239 opened by SolarisX215 - 2
Cannot start script
#3240 opened by Awimexx - 1
I need help
#3242 opened by 8QQTUDOU - 2
ProtocolLib not compatible with Java 23. (Works with Java 22)
#3245 opened by andrewkm - 1
Protocol Lib Disabling on Server Startup
#3246 opened by DJDVS1 - 0
End of stream error.
#3248 opened by JoshuaPHYT - 0
[Bug] NoClassDefFoundError: com/comphenix/protocol/CommandProtocol$1 on Paper 1.21.1 with ProtocolLib v5.3.0-SNAPSHOT-731
#3249 opened by NeverGame - 1
[Bug] NoClassDefFoundError: com/comphenix/protocol/CommandProtocol$1 on Paper 1.21.1 with ProtocolLib v5.3.0-SNAPSHOT-731
#3250 opened by NeverGame - 1
Erros when trying to join
#3260 opened by AMG6900 - 1
error on loading
#3253 opened by ErrorHunter1 - 1
1.21.1 is not registering
#3254 opened by Ninja1986 - 0
Questions About Sending Glow Packet above 1.20.4 (including 1.20.4) servers...
#3255 opened by LostUmbrella58 - 0
Error with data watcher
#3256 opened by akamexd - 3
Please fix this error
#3257 opened by chromitemc - 2
Erorr plugin gets disabled
#3261 opened by Saulencijus10 - 1
Problem with Super Vanish
#3258 opened by cool-dev-code - 2
Error start server
#3259 opened by Masdestructor - 0
How to convert Json Text to nms.nbt.CompoundTag ?
#3273 opened by Anarchick - 1
I Cant Load ProtocolLib Because My Localhost Server That Include A Folder Name Plugin Remapper On My Plugin Folder
#3272 opened by Sufire367 - 5
[ProtocolLib 5.3.0, Paper 1.21.1] Produces exceptions on player login - Player logins not possible
#3262 opened by christinloehner - 0
ProtocolLib not loading on 1.21.1
#3263 opened by AvroBEAST - 7
INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib.
#3264 opened by Murexx - 0
Change player namer for other player.
#3265 opened by matiw219 - 1
Unable to find a field
#3266 opened by AmmarTee - 1
INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib
#3267 opened by MinecraftServer1235 - 1
I don't know why
#3268 opened by PetitRatEnrage - 0
Different Vector3f (org.joml.Vector3f) for DisplayEntities
#3270 opened by TheTrueSam - 1
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to find a field that matches {modifiers=[required: 10000, banned: 1000], type={ type input instanceof interface java.util.Map }}
#3269 opened by xc1xc - 2
Not Loading
#3284 opened by Astro099Gaming - 1
Memory Leak
#3285 opened by GopnikDEV - 3
protocollib does not support plugin reloaders
#3286 opened by itugra - 0
sorry fail, please delete this issue
#3274 opened by Anarchick - 3
I need ProtocolLib cpu usage optimization?
#3276 opened by Uaizi - 1
1.21.1 Error
#3275 opened by solnikhil - 5
[11:34:34 ERROR]: [ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib.
#3277 opened by Swurfyy - 2
INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib.
#3278 opened by RexSAS - 2
INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib.
#3279 opened by christianillo - 2
BUG (Folia 1.21.1)
#3280 opened by habosbaboskobanyai1 - 3
Bug Paper 1.21
#3281 opened by LootingVI - 2
conflict between excellentenchants, oraxen, packetevents and protocollib
#3287 opened by thatpris - 0
Bukkit server load error - 1.21.1
#3282 opened by MatyasBorecek - 2
Cannot load protocollib
#3283 opened by Foxof7207 - 1
ProtocolLib fails to load on my server
#3288 opened by Jake404NotFound - 1
Protocollib not working on 1.21.1 purpur server
#3289 opened by FireCube-maker - 1
[11:15:51 ERROR]: [ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib.
#3290 opened by xiaozwl