- 1
Error (unable to retrieve current version) being thrown during Paper 1.21 startup
#3099 opened by jk33v3rs - 3
Spamming ClientboundSetEquipmentPacket if it rewrited
#3100 opened by KKW557 - 1
Failed to find NMS class: WorldType [Paper 1.21] [Using latest dev-build]
#3102 opened by fluid46 - 15
Can't load protocollib on 1.12.2
#3101 opened by Clexus - 2
Why does protocollib plugins use so many resources?
#3103 opened by tuvn02 - 5
Paper 1.21 Server not beeing able to load ProtocolLib
#3073 opened by Gyxuu - 1
Custom Enchants error
#3074 opened by Operating2844 - 3
Exception Occurs when trying to create a new ScoreboardTeam
#3075 opened by xXkguyXx - 6
Possible bug with ProtocolLib latest build
#3076 opened by tinyhelus - 0
ProtocolLib does nothing
#3077 opened by Vertraubarer - 2
Hi i have an problem with Proctolib, any solutions?
#3078 opened by Hunixon1542 - 1
Field index 0 is out of bounds for length 0
#3079 opened by ImYenil - 1
Issue performed while loading plugin.
#3080 opened by zZxbbS - 0
Duplicate, please ignore
#3082 opened by PixelEast - 4
After using the disguise of Lib's Disguises plugin, I was kicked out of the server and unable to enter again
#3081 opened by PixelEast - 2
Unable to find a field that matches {modifiers=[required: 10000, banned: 1000], type={ type input instanceof interface java.util.Map }}
#3083 opened by Plexi09 - 2
Bug report
#3085 opened by Byron747 - 0
Setting entity names throws errors in 1.21
#3086 opened by OmerBenGera - 1
Problems starting the server
#3087 opened by LUIZFELIPE236BR - 1
[PacketType.Play.Client.BLOCK_DIG] BlockPosition wrong y
#3088 opened by luapascoal - 2
1.20.5 Error
#3089 opened by TrooperWinston - 2
This plugin is not working with plugin remapper.
#3092 opened by Satr9999 - 5
Error on start for 1.21 server
#3090 opened by realzunker - 4
Error on paper 1.20.6 server with ProtocolLib
#3091 opened by uertyk - 5
ProtocolLib 5.2.0 update checker issue
#3093 opened by Lncvrt - 1
INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib.
#3094 opened by F-alling - 6
Unable to use the plugin in the server
#3096 opened by YuiHotaru - 2
Error in ProtocolLib 5.2.0 version
#3097 opened by DIMAPLAY1221 - 3
Protocollib Error after updating 1.20.6 [updated protocollb to that version]
#3098 opened by Dante6979 - 6
ProtocolLib and Lib's Disguises disabling themselves on Start Up
#3104 opened by CaptRexCT7567 - 5
Invalid player data
#3105 opened by gercsogamer - 2
ProtocolLib didn't load
#3106 opened by TopazSlinky - 6
error when starting
#3107 opened by MrLouisDew - 1
[1.20.6] RESPAWN packet error
#3108 opened by Kowaman - 1
Problem with Scoreboard 1.21 NumberFormats
#3109 opened by BigBag3000 - 1
Problem with WrappedDataWatcher$Registry.OPTIONAL_REGISTRY
#3110 opened by TheCalypso - 2
getMinecraftKeys error
#3111 opened by gxlydlyf - 1
INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib.
#3112 opened by Anuls - 2
ProtocolLib fails to load on Minecraft 1.21 with IllegalArgumentException
#3113 opened by Xbaishu - 0
Packets not being listened to?
#3114 opened by iiAhmedYT - 10
Can't cancel `PacketType.Handshake.Client.SET_PROTOCOL`
#3115 opened by molor - 1
Protocol will not load
#3117 opened by AbandonedCodester - 1
INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib.
#3119 opened by Coreli0 - 1
INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib.
#3118 opened by yecangminga - 0
Race condition in EnumWrappers#initialize
#3120 opened by diogotcorreia - 9
TinyProtocol license
#3122 opened by stonar96 - 1
Is there a packet type for block place/break sounds or world_level type actions
#3124 opened by PedroMPagani - 0
#3125 opened by MasonooN - 0
New players disconnecting with an error relating to ProtocolLib
#3126 opened by FourNineRugz - 5
[ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib.
#3128 opened by e134311