A simplified Chinese version of messages.yml
SoraSushi776 opened this issue · 1 comments
The translation on Crowdin is heavily machine-translated, illogical and ambiguous
I combined the translation on Crowdin and made this simplified Chinese version of messages.yml
after my own modification. It is convenient for the service owners who use simplified Chinese to better use this plug-in
Here is the content of this file
#您也可以使用十六进制颜色代码,如MC 1.16中的&#FFFFFF+
# PvP 开关
PvP_Disabled = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &2PvP 已关闭!
PvP_Enabled = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &4PvP 已开启!
Attack_Denied_You = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &4你被保护了,因为你没有打开 PvP!
Attack_Denied_Other = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &4%p 没有打开 PvP!
PvP_Force_Enabled_WorldGuard = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &cPvP 强制启用,因为您在PvP区域内
PvP_Disabled_Fee = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &3您因关闭PvP而支付了&5%money &3费用
# 攻击标签
Tagged_Attacker = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &7你攻击了&f %p&7,不要退出服务器,否则你将受到惩罚!!
Tagged_Attacker_ActionBar = &7你攻击了&f %p &7 !除非你打完了,否则请不要离开服务器!!
Tagged_Defender = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &7你被&f %p&7攻击!不要离开服务器,不然将受到惩罚!!
Tagged_Defender_ActionBar = &7你被&f %p&7攻击!除非你打完了,否则请不要离开服务器出!!
Out_Of_Combat = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &a您不再处于战斗状态.
Out_Of_Combat_ActionBar = &a您不再处于战斗状态。
Command_Denied_InCombat = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &c你现在不能使用命令!你仍在战斗中!!
Block_Place_Blocked_InCombat = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &4你现在不能放置方块!你仍在战斗中!!
Eating_Blocked_InCombat = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &4你现在不能吃东西!你仍在战斗中!!
EnderPearl_Blocked_InCombat = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &4你现在不能使用末影珍珠!你仍在战斗中!!
ChorusFruit_Blocked_InCombat = "&6[&8PvPManager&6] &4你现在不能吃附魔金苹果!你仍在战斗中!!
Interact_Blocked_InCombat = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &4你现在不能使用鼠标右键!你仍在战斗中!!
Teleport_Blocked_InCombat = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &c你现在不能传送!你仍在战斗中!!
Pushback_Warning = &c你不能前往安全区!你仍在战斗中!!
# PvP特权玩家
Newbie_Protection = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &欢迎! 在接下来的&6 %&a 分钟内你将被保护不受攻击
Newbie_Protection_End = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &c你的PvP保护现已过期! 你现在可以被攻击!!
Newbie_Protection_Removed = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &e你刚才移除了你的PvP保护! 小心!
Newbie_Protection_On_Hit = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &4你现在拥有PvP保护! 如果你真的想PvP, 请输入 &2/newbie disable 来移除你的PvP保护
Newbie_Protection_Atacker = &6[&8PvPManager&6]&4 %p 现在拥有PvP保护!
Newbie_Time_Check = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &7你获得了 &e%d &7秒PvP保护时间
Newbie_Time_Check_Other = &6[&8PvPManager&6]&7 %s 获得了 &e%d &7秒PvP保护时间
Newbie_Command_Blocked = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &c你现在不能使用这个指令,因为你打开了PvP特权!
Newbie_Pickup_Items_Blocked = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &c你现在不能捡起物品,因为你打开了PvP特权
# 重生无敌保护
Respawn_Protection = &6[&8PvPManager&6]&4 你重生了,你获得了一段时间的重生无敌!
Respawn_Protection_Other = &6[&8PvPManager&6]&4 %p 现在处于重生无敌状态!
# 玩家击杀
Money_Reward = &2你击杀了 %p 并获得了 %m MB!
Money_Penalty = &c你被击杀,所以你损失了 %m MB!
Money_Steal = &c%p 从你身上偷走了 %m MB!
# 指令反馈
Error_Command = &4你没有权限使用指令,或者你输入的指令有误!
Error_Permission = &4你没有权限使用这个指令!
Error_Player_Not_Found = &4玩家 %p 离线,无法找到!
Error_Not_Player = 这条指令只能给玩家使用
# PvP特权指令
Error_Not_Newbie = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &c你不是PvP特权玩家!
# PvP指令
Error_PvP_Cooldown = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &c你现在不能切换PvP状态! 请等待 %t 分 %m 秒
Error_PvPToggle_NoPvP = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &c你现在不可以打开你的PvP
Error_PvPToggle_ForcePvP = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &c您现在不可以禁用你的PvP
PvPToggle_Admin_Changed = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &2玩家 &6%p 的PvP状态现在&2%state
PvPToggle_Already_Disabled = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &4你的PvP已经关闭了!
PvPToggle_Already_Enabled = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &4你的PvP已经打开了!
# PvP信息指令
PvPInfo_Title = &e&lPvPManager Info
PvPInfo_Line1 = &2- 玩家ID\: &f
PvPInfo_Line2 = &2- UUID\: &f
PvPInfo_Line3 = &2- PvP 状态\: &f
PvPInfo_Line4 = &2- 战斗状态\: &f
PvPInfo_Line5 = &2- 特权\: &f
PvPInfo_Line6 = &2- 世界\: &f
PvPInfo_Line7 = &2- Override PvP\: &f
# PvP列表指令
PvPList_Title = &6&l---- 正在PvP的玩家 ----
PvPList_Enabled = &a&l启用
PvPList_Disabled = &4&l禁用
PvPList_Nothing_Found = &8没有玩家正在PvP
# PvP状态指令
Other_Status_Enabled = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &6玩家 %p 的PvP现已打开
Others_Status_Disabled = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &6玩家 %p 现已关闭
Self_Status_Disabled = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &6你的PvP状态现已关闭
Self_Status_Enabled = &6[&8PvPManager&6] &6你的PvP状态现已打开
# 标识指令
Error_Not_In_Combat = &c你现在不在攻击状态!
Tag_Timeleft = &8You are in combat for another %d seconds
# Variables
Enabled = &c已启用
Disabled = &a已禁用
File : messages.txt