


I do not see Action Bar

jetrikx opened this issue · 1 comments


I have a problem on version 1.8 (java 11) I can't see Action Bar help

My config :


< PvPManager Configuration File >


< For help understanding a config option go to >

< https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/pvpmanager.25420/ >

< or Discord https://discord.gg/w7gyBuw >


Default PvP -> Leave it at true unless you want no PvP for new players

PvP Blood -> Enable blood particles on PvP

Player Drop Mode -> What happens to a player's drops and exp on death

The options are 'ALWAYS' - (PvPManager does nothing, so feature is disabled),

mode 'DROP' - (Players drop items when killed in PvP but not in PvE),

mode 'KEEP' - (Players keep items when killed in PvP but not in PvE) and

mode 'TRANSFER' - (Same as 'DROP' but transfer items(not exp) directly to killer's inventory without drops)

mode 'CLEAR' - (Clear all drops and exp on death, this deletes everything on death so make sure it is what you want)

Ignore No Damage Hits -> Ignore hits from snowballs, eggs, fishing rod and others

World Exclusions -> List of worlds where PvPManager will have no effect


Changes messages language, options are - EN | BG | DE | ES | FR | HR | IT | PL | pt_BR | RU | TR | zh_TW | ZH

Locale: EN
Default PvP: true
PvP Blood: false
Player Drop Mode: ALWAYS
Ignore No Damage Hits: false
Auto Soup:
# How much health does soup heal, use 0 to disable
Health: 0
# Should empty bowls just be deleted
Bowl Disappear: false

Removes empty potion bottles and milk buckets after they are consumed

Potion Bottle: false
Milk Bucket: false
World Exclusions:
- 'example'

Here you can choose which methods to use to stop 'border hopping' while players are tagged

Border hopping is when a player gets in PvP and tries to run into a safe zone to escape

Vulnerable -> Makes players still vulnerable to PvP in safe zones

Push Back -> Players will be launched back when trying to enter a safe zone (Disabling this might improve performance)

Reset Combat Tag -> Only meant for when Vulnerable is true. Toggles whether combat tagging resets while fighting in a safe zone. Works for WorldGuard Only

Anti Border Hopping:
Vulnerable: true
Push Back:
Enabled: true
# Takes elytra from player chest slot and puts it in their inventory
Remove Elytra: false
Reset Combat Tag: true

What should be disabled when a player(except operators) enters PvP

Fly -> Disable any kind of fly mode

GameMode -> Anything not Survival gets disabled

Disguise -> Disguises from LibsDisguises

GodMode -> GodMode from Essentials or CommandBook

Invisibility -> Invisibility potions, defaults to false as it's a vanilla feature

Fly: false
GameMode: false
Disguise: false
GodMode: false
Invisibility: false

Section about the tag system

Time -> How long should the tag last in seconds

NameTag Prefix -> Choose the player's nametag prefix while tagged, '&c' would just color their name red

while empty quotes '' will disable this feature completely

Glowing -> For 1.9+ only, sets the player glowing while tagged

Self Tag -> Allow players to tag themselves with a bow

Untag Enemy -> When the player kills the enemy he was fighting he gets untagged

Block -> Section is self-explanatory, what to block in combat

Command whitelist is recursive, allowing 'tell' will allow 'tell' with any number of arguments

Punish On Kick -> Punish the player even if he gets kicked by other plugin while tagged

Money Penalty -> Money lost on combat log, use less or equal to 1 for percentage like 0.05 for 5%, 1 for 100% (0 to disable)

Log To File -> Logs all combat loggers to a file that you can read later

Kill on Logout -> Should the player be killed and, if so, what will he drop

Commands On PvPLog -> List of commands to execute on combat log, use '%p' for player name

And use the 'announce' command to broadcast, to disable just delete the command

Tagged In Combat:
Enabled: true
Time: 10
NameTag Prefix: ''

Currently only on premium version and when using the TAB plugin

NameTag Suffix: ''
Glowing: false

Symbol to use for the bar and how many times to repeat it. Other symbols ▊,▮,▯,|

Action Bar:
# You can use any PlaceholderAPI placeholders here. Leave message empty to disable
Message: '&b&lAnty logout &e&l &bsekundy'
Symbol: '▊'
Total Bars: 10
Boss Bar:
Enabled: true
# You can use any PlaceholderAPI placeholders here
Message: '&8&l[&c&lIn Combat&8&l] &e&l seconds'
# See here for bar color options - https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/boss/BarColor.html
BarColor: RED
# See here for bar style options - https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/boss/BarStyle.html
BarStyle: SOLID
Self Tag: false
Untag Enemy: false
EnderPearl Cooldown: 0
EnderPearls: false
ChorusFruits: true
Teleport: true
Place Blocks: false
Interact: false
Elytra: false
Eat: false
Enabled: true
Whitelist: true
Command List:
- 'tell'
- 'tag'
- 'msg'
Punish On Kick:
Enabled: true
# If Match Kick Reason is enabled, the punishment will be applied only if the kick reason matches the list below
Match Kick Reason: false
Kick Reasons:
- 'Kicked for spamming'
- 'disconnect.spam'
Money Penalty: 0.0
Log To File: true
Kill on Logout:
Enabled: true
Player Drops:
Inventory: true
Experience: true
Armor: true
Commands On PvPLog:
- 'announce &6[&8PvPManager&6]&c %p tried to escape combat and died!'

Should new players on your server be protected from PvP (If they want to PvP they can use /newbie disable)

Newbie Protection:
Enabled: true

How many minutes should newbie protection last, persists through restarts

Time(minutes): 5

If players should be allowed to remove their protection with /newbie disable

Allow Player Disable: true

Block players from picking up items while they have protection

Block Pick Items: false

Protect newbies from all types of damage including PvE

Protect From Everything: false
Command Blacklist:
- 'examplecommand'

Prevent player abuse by killing the same player several times to rise in rank or even just grief

Example - If a player X kills player Y more than 5 times, it executes the commands defined(kick, jail, etc)

In this case, it would check every 30 seconds for abusers

Respawn Protection - After respawn, how many seconds should players be protected (0 to disable)

Kill Abuse:
Enabled: true
Max Kills: 5
Time Limit: 30
Commands on Abuse:
- 'kick &cKill Abuse Is Not Allowed!'
Respawn Protection: 3

Section with settings triggered when a player kills another player

Money Reward - Money won as reward, use less or equal to 1 for percentage like 0.05 for 5%, 1 for 100% (0 to disable)

Money Penalty - Money lost on PvP death, use less or equal to 1 for percentage like 0.1 for 10%, 1 for 100% (0 to disable)

Money Steal - Should the amount won from money reward be stolen from the dead player

Commands On Kill - Commands to execute on kill ( is the killer, is the victim)

WorldGuard Exclusions - WorldGuard regions where rewards, penalties and commands will not be executed

Player Kills:
Money Reward: 0.0
Money Penalty: 0.0
Money Steal: false
Commands On Kill:
- 'examplecommand killed '
WorldGuard Exclusions:
- 'exampleregion'

Section for PvP Toggle command - /pvp

Players can't use the command unless they have permission

Cooldown - How many seconds until players can use the command again

NameTags - What should the player's prefix be when pvp is on/off

You can write 'none' to disable one of the nametags, or set 'Enabled' to false to disable both

Commands -> Command list to execute on PvP toggle, use '%p' for player name

Force On Change World -> Force player PvP to default when changing world, useful if there are worlds

where players don't have permission to use /pvp

WorldGuard Overrides -> PvP Toggle is forcibly enabled on an attack in all regions with WG's pvp flag set to allow

WorldGuard overrides region list -> PvP Toggle is forcibly enabled on an attack in the listed regions, regardless of the WG's pvp flag

PvP Toggle:
Cooldown: 15
Enabled: false
Prefix On: '&1'
Prefix Off: '&2'

This setting runs every hour and applies a money fee to every player with PvP disabled, it's a very simplified system

so it doesn't track how long PvP has been off for that player. Leave as 0 to disable

PvP Disabled Money Fee: 0
Force On Change World: false
Commands PvP On:
- 'examplecommand %p turned pvp on'
Commands PvP Off:
- 'examplecommand %p turned pvp off'
WorldGuard Overrides: true
WorldGuard Overrides Region List:
- 'example'

Section to configure interactions with other plugins

Plugin Hooks:
# Disable PvP protection if the players are in a SimpleClans war
No Protection In War: true
# Change this into the cooldown id for enderpearls in CooldownsX, by default they have it as exampleOne in cooldowns.yml
# If setup correctly PvPManager will use a different cooldown while in combat and then revert back to CooldownsX
Enderpearl: exampleOne


Database type, supported databases: SQLite or MySQL

Type: SQLite

Only fill this section if using MySQL

Port: 3306
Username: root
Password: '12345'
Database: minecraft

Should PvPManager be allowed to check for updates and tell you about them

Auto Update - After checking should we download it automatically for you?

Update Check:
Enabled: true
Auto Update: true

Opt-out: false

Debug Mode: false

Informs PvPManager if the config is updated, do not touch it unless you want to reset the config

Config Version: 69


The free version doesn't support action bar on 1.8 unfortunately, only 1.10 and above. The premium version has support for 1.8 and 1.9