Issue with PvPLog message
pxblx opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Please put the PvP Log message as it was before again. The bukkit command /say don't support color codes and appears with the tag [Server] before the message. Same with PvP Toggle messages.
Replace with a tellraw
But I am not sure if the config.yml
is fully compatible with the json formatting.
For easier generation of a nice json msg use
Use '/tellraw @A' to send the message to all online players.
However, i might create a simple command like /announce or similar to broadcast the message in a cleaner way.
Why not leave messages on the It was much easier.
You could leave all messages on and leave that section of commands to use for other things.
Because some people don't use the broadcast, also it doesn't make sense to keep the broadcast when executing custom commands allows for that and much more.