Matching not working on 1.7.10
ChrisLane opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Using 1.7.10 and the default configs with build 66( of PwnFilter.
The censorship default configs for chat aren't even working. For example a player can type "fag" and it will not be cancelled and they will not be warned.
This is the error that shows when censored words are entered:
When attempting to compile the plugin myself I noticed that there are a few things that need updating.
Metrics needs removing and things such as getOnlinePlayers.length need changing to getOnlinePlayers.size() etc.
Hopefully this can be fixed soon before chat on my server becomes mayhem :P
It seems that there's a bug related to the points system. I presume you have it disabled in the config? We have it enabled on our server, so I probably missed something that references it without checking if it's enabled. I will fix this as soon as possible.
The github repo hasn't been updated in months, because I have been busy working on other things. I will update the dependencies, and push out a new build with fixes on Monday.
Did some further testing and found that the issue is present in build 62( and higher.
In answer to your question, we do not use the points system on our server.
I think I have fixed this bug. Also, I fixed my Jenkins build server, which was having a complaint with its existence. Can you please try the latest build, and let me know if it fixes this issue?