Bug with ''Condition quest''
Alenor opened this issue · 30 comments
I add the plugin Quester to my server and when I create a mission with a condition ex: You need complete X mission to do other... my problem is ''You need complete done the quest: 2'' I complete the quest 2 many times but i can't do the mission.
Could you please paste formatted version ? I'd like to just copy it into my quest config. Thank you.
I meant formatted version of your those quests, with proper indentation and everything.
formatted: yaml
file: here
Exactly as it appears in the your quest config. The paste you have given me before is not formatted.
I am sorry, I will try to be clear this time. I would like you to paste 2 quests required to reproduce reported behavior, exactly as they would appear in quests.yml file. (including proper indentation)
The mission 2: http://pastebin.com/PWZbtGY4
Is required to do the mission 11: http://pastebin.com/1BduMCiC
Please provide me with the 2 quests required to reproduce this behavior. Make them as small as possible, Use pastebin or similar site please.
malditos zombis:
name: Malditos zombis
flags: ACTIVE;
amount: 30
entity: '54'
type: MSG
occasion: -1
message: Hola aventurero, ¿me podrias ayudar? me tengo que quedar protegiendo la ciudad
type: MSG
occasion: -1
message: ¿Podrias matar unos zombis por mi? te recompensare.
type: MSG
occasion: -3
message: Gracias aventurero, lo prometido es deuda
type: ITEM
occasion: -3
item: '267:0'
type: ITEM
occasion: -3
item: '262:0'
amount: 15
ID: 2
plaga de esqueletos:
name: Plaga de esqueletos
flags: ACTIVE;
amount: 30
entity: '51'
type: QUEST
quest: '2'
type: MSG
occasion: -1
message: ¡Aventurero! ¡qué bien que te encuentre! te necesito
type: MSG
occasion: -1
message: los esqueletos atacan a los ciudadanos y yo no me puedo mover de aqui. ¡Ayúdame!
type: ITEM
occasion: -3
item: '267:0'
enchants: 17:2,16:3
type: MSG
occasion: -3
message: ¡Gracias de nuevo! Toma, es para ti.
ID: 11
Hey, I believe the issues is you are using the quest number (in your case '2') instead of the quest name. The QUEST condition requires you to use the quest name not number.
So you need to change it to the following;
type: QUEST
quest: 'malditos zombis'
That's true. For some reason, I thought that 0.6 should work with ID, which is wrong. I means that this particular issue should be fixed by using quest name instead. Could you confirm that Alenor ?
Sorry, it's been quite a while since I last worked with 0.6.
Command requires valid quest ID. It will then look the quest up and create quest condition with its current name. Is there any chance you renamed the the quest after you created the condition ? It needs to be recreated each time quest name changes. Or simply modify quests.yml (server needs to be down while you are doing that) and change that condition to match the name of the quest.
Masterofjumping solution has worked for me. But now I am too lazy to change all the quest condition ...