


Quest Displaying Incorrectly

zerafox opened this issue ยท 15 comments


I've got an issue with the quests displaying the proper amounts of items to collect/have. This is a portion of a quest that a player is currently struggling with:

  item: '260'
  amount: 20
  type: COLLECT
  description: Collect &%r red apples.
  prerequisites: '3'

When the player starts the quest, it tells them to get 10 apples, when the amount is 20. As they collect apples, the count goes down to 9, 8, 7, etc;

This seems to be an issue with any quests I attempt to use the %r or %t for. I've heard reports that %t will display 1 instead of the actual total needed.

  item: '260'
  amount: 20
  type: ITEM
  description: Give the Captain &e%t red apples.
  prerequisites: '4'

What version are you using ?

ITEM objective and all objectives that need to be triggered (EXP, MONEY...) will always display 1 as the remaining amount. (%r) It is because players actually progress with that objective only once, when they complete it. (i.e. it cannot be partially done) It is not a bug.

Total amount (%t) should be displayed correctly for all objectives in 0.6.


I am using the latest Dev build of this plugin... Remember you came to my server and helped me correct my quests? That one player kept calling you a noob because of your skin? I apologize for that again btw...

And if I recall, you said the Dev build was 0.7? And %t is what is displaying as 1.... it's the %r that is not displaying properly... For a COLLECT 20 apples, players see COLLECT 10 apples....

I understand that when players collect the total # they need it's completed. But it's upon first getting to that objective that has it displaying improperly.... If you're telling me that when a player FIRST reaches my

item: '260'
amount: 20
description: Collect &%r red apples.
prerequisites: '3'

step in my quest. They should see the %r as a 1 instead of a 20 or the 10 that they are seeing (which is incorrect) then why bother having the %r in the first place? It's supposed to display the remaining number needed is it not? Instead of 1 all the time, even before they start the objective officially, or even a wrong number entirely. Ex: 10


One problem with the description is that it has very weird symbol in it, I'm not sure what are you trying to accomplish with it. "&%r" is not correct. Variable "%r" gets replaced with remaining amount (20), so partially parsed message looks like this: "Collect &20 red apples.". Then, "&2" is replaced with green color, so final message looks like this: "Collect 0 red apples.", where bold text is green. When player starts doing quest, number changes to 19, 18, 17..., and the first number (now it's 1) changes to color again, so you actually see 9, 8, 7...
I think that's your issue.

And again, only some objectives do not work with variables, and they are the ones that need something to trigger their completion. Here is the full list of manually triggered objectives in 0.7: EXP, ITEM, MONEY.
Then, there are some that are triggered automatically but always need only single action to be performed, so there's no point in tracking progress for them: ACTION, CHAT, LOCATION, NPC, REGION, WORLD.


That & was part of a color code I had forgotten the color part for...

I am aware of how the %r and %t are supposed to work. x.x; I read and re-read your pages on this stuff to make sure I was understanding it....
So my understanding right now is...

item: '260'
amount: 20
type: ITEM
description: Give the Captain &e%t red apples.
prerequisites: '4'

Is NOT going to say "Give the Captain 20 red apples?" Because it is an ITEM objective and you said variables don't work with ITEM objectives?

I am still not sure why the & is cutting my COLLECT number in half but I have fixed the color code and we'll see how it does from there.... I do hope it will show properly now, I am awfully tired of checking the files for the right number to tell players...

Oh and while I'm thinking about it... The delays... They aren't working/sticking. I had tried to set up a few Events with -3:3 and upon loading the quests onto the server they wound up something like -168 or something and never fired off....


It's because -3:3 is command notation. If you want to use it is config, you need to split delay and occassion.


I can't say that made ANY sense at all to me...
You might want to change/edit this then:


Syntax: [:delay in seconds]

[delay in seconds] - 0 


-1 = Quest start
-2 = Quest cancel
-3 = Quest complete
non-negative number = objetive with that ID complete 

Special cases: none
-3 on quest completion
-2:10 10 seconds after quest cancel
2 on completion of objective ID 2

Because tells me to use it on the occasion. Not in any config file... (unless you're counting quest.yml a config) in which case, that's where I was using it... x.x


I'd like to point out this part of a quest and explain:

  item: '375'
  amount: 20
  type: COLLECT
  description: Collect &e%r Spider Eye.

I had a player on this quest, instead of going out to kill spiders to collect the eyes, the player instead bought them from a shop (which came from a chest) and it bugged the count to 79 instead of 20. The player was unable to turn in the quest, despite having 20 eyes on them and demanded they have the 70+ eyes.


Yes, there is a config setting for that, so players can't do it this way. Instead of decreasing the amount required, it's increased if player drops an item on the ground. So if he drops 20 eyes, the amount required goes from 20 to 40. This means he actually needs to get them from external source. It is
subtract-on-drop: true/false


I am so confused!
FIRST: It's silly that the number is going to increase like that if the player gets it from a chest or whatever....

SECOND: Config setting for the delay? Where? And How? I haven't seen this anywhere! I'm afraid you're not being overly helpful on how I'm supposed to be using these delays properly then... x.x


Okay well, in my defense here... That page did not exist not too long ago, nor do I recall reading or hearing anywhere that it was created....

But I am seeing a few things I wasn't even aware of before too...

Like this for the objectives?
progress: {true/false}
What is that supposed to do? I don't' see anywhere where it tells me what it does.

Infact I have to say looking at that whole page just kind of makes my brain hurt. x.x The whole first layout of how a quest is set up in config isn't explained very well....
location: {location}
And what is this one? What's location got to do with the quest itself? Is that a sign thing?


When you first found quester, that page already existed. Yes, few things there aren't documented anywhere but quest location sure is.


Idk about that, cause I checked for a wiki and all it said was "Page under construction" Which is why I had to refer to the "old quester page" which is the list of pages there is now. :\

I hope I have solved all my issues...


Ok, once again, this time clearly.

Occassion and delay in quest config:
occassion: -3
delay: 3

Same occassion and delay in command: -3:3

Collect objective:
No, number is not giong increase if the player just gets items from the chest. It will increase only if the player drops these items. Let's say you have to collect 10 apples. Objective says 10. You drop your items on the ground, so you can collect them back and get quest done. But when you drop apples, objective requirement will increase by the amount dropped, in this case 10. So now you need to collect 20 apples. You pick your dropped apples (10) and the objective is back to 10.
Config setting for this behaviour is => subtract-on-drop: true/false


Okay I think I get it now....

I still suggest you update your documentation to be more clear about the setup/use of the delay. I was in no way aware that it needed to be separated for everything except a command event?


If you go to wiki and look at the quest config format page, you will find it there.

Wiki is being slowly populated with up-to-date info.