Quests (Inactive)


Cannot quit a player's quest - Internal Error Command

whoshenry opened this issue ยท 27 comments


I get this error sometimes when I quit a player's quest for them -

I am trying to quit that quest for them because they get this occasionally when they do /quest -

I'm not entirely sure how or why this occurs either.


I have some more info on this. It just happened to a player.

He had this Quest active -

Then tried to quit it and then got this error when he did /quest -

I am using Quests Version 'Quests-2.5.0-b81' on Spigot version - CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-044d928-e8c6403 (MC: 1.8.6) (Implementing API version 1.8.6-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)

This happens quit often on my Server. Happens to be random quests also, it's not the same quests every time.


I have some more information on this that I found today. When this happens to a player, to solve the problem, I do /questsadmin quit and sometimes, this works and it is fixed, they can do /quest again without an error.

Other times, I have to do /questsadmin quit then an internal error command would occur, then they would leave, when they rejoin, I do the same command again and it would work.

Also, when this happens and a player is unable to do /quest they are able to actually take the GUI Items out of the NPC GUIS and have it in their inventory.


Could you post another example of the first error, from quitting? There should be a few lines after "Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException" that are important.


Just tried it, this is all I got in the console. Even with debugging enabled. -


Ok here's a good copy of what is happening. The first player 'GameLovesOreos' had the /quest internal error command. So I tried, via the console, to quit one of this quests and got this error -

As you can see this particular error has also happened to another player on the server with different quests. It is happening often.

Just had a player send me a message that he thinks it occurs when you start a quest, then the player disconnects and then their current quests get corrupted or whatever, so they're unable to do /quest until it's forcibly quit by console or op.


@whoshenry I added something which should cause the full error to print. Please try dev build 85 once it's up and try again! :)


For some reason, when I started up this latest Dev Build. One of my players' Quests Data was wiped. His Quest Points stayed, but all of his Completed Quests have disappeared somehow...

Nothing in the console about this at all, just checked. It just happened to one player also, no one else.

Update: Check #136


I'm only interested in the error from using /questadmin quit, but thank you for the additional info. Any unexpected behavior after that, such as the data wipe, is going to be the result of the command issue. As such, I'll close #136 - try to avoid using the command regularly until I can kill the bug. Thanks!

For my reference, this is the error to start from:


I only use the quit command when someone has the internal error command, only way to fix that for them unfortunately cos they can't do anything whilst they have that. No NPCs accept the item deliveries either.


Oh I see. In that case we should investigate the internal error command. I'll take a look at that next then.

I've uploaded a test fix so at least /questadmin quit might work, it'll be dev build 86 if you'd like to try it.


Yeah it's a pretty major bug, and it happens often too. I will test that dev build now, thanks for the quick fixes :)


Still getting this error on that Dev Build -

And here is the Quest quit error -

Also when the player has the /quest internal error command, when they leave the server, this appears in the console -


Ok so I have been using the Dev Build 86 and still get the same error often with the internal error command, but /questsadmin quit seems to work. Haven't had an occasion where it doesn't yet.

Also, this just popped up and it might be the same sort of error or something due to the internal error command -

Also when the internal error command happens for a player, they can take the GUI items showing the Quest with the ask-message out of the NPCs menu.


@whoshenry To clarify - /questadmin quit no longer produces a console error?


I have not experienced a console error when doing that command using the Dev Build, no.


Please try /quest on dev build 87. Should still cause an error, but also give us some additional information.

I'd run this myself but /quest works perfectly for me.


I am running this version now, will let you know what I find with the errors.


Ok it just happened, here's the error -

And this is what happens when a player disconnects -


Okay, dev build 88 may resolve the errors, although there will still be debug output. Please post your results and thanks for testing.


Fantastic, been using it for the last 4 hours and not one person has mentioned having the error, there are other errors in the console though, but I think they are unrelated to this one. Just some random NPCRightClickEvent errors etc. They probably refer to other issues posted here.

I am getting a lot of random 'Quest Name' returned Null in the console also, do these relate to any errors or are they there just to help debug?


I've seen about 6 Quests so far that do it, they can be completed correctly, so perhaps it's just random.


I just had another issue with this, a player said he was receiving an error when doing /quest (whether this was before I uploaded the Dev build or not, I don't know). But I tried doing /sudo quest and it said there was an error making him do that command, I took a look in the console and got this -


@whoshenry Just debug, I'll remove them soon if the fix continues to work. Is there any particular quest that returns null or is it seemingly random?


Unfortunately, it just happened to one player, and this is the result in the Console -


I removed the debug messages as well as took another approach to suppress the errors, so hopefully build 89 works!


Seems like it's all working correctly but I will still be testing it. I am also still getting this error -


Closing as initial issue has been solved and final error is not descriptive enough (there should be more info after the NullPointerException). If you get an error containing more information, please open a new ticket. Thanks!