Delay working uncorrectly
danielgarciagarcia opened this issue ยท 28 comments
Whenever users finish a Quests, they quit from the server and join again, they try to activate the Quest again (this quest has 24h of delay) and the CAN, so that they avoid the delay.
Staff player have tested this and it seems that this problem doesn't appear if you are admin or mod. There are not any permission from Quests set on any rank. Can anybody give me a solution?
Note to future debuggers: perhaps #215 is the cause?
So these are all screenshots of a regular player's quest data during the glitch process:
The first screenshot shows the quest data before the player has taken the quest. At this point in time, the quest is off cooldown. The quest in particular he is doing is called 'Killing Ratface'. Note there are 4 different numbers in CompletedQuestTimes.
In the second screenshot, the player has taken the quest 'Killing Ratface'. Nothing has changed in the file at this point except for the top where it shows the player having the quest in progress.
The third screenshot is most interesting. First of all, on Completed Quests, 'null' is added to the Completed Quests. Second of all, one of the 4 CompletedQuestTimes changes its number INSTEAD OF adding on a 5th number (I'm not really sure how that section works, I'm assuming it adds a number for each quest's coodlown).
I'm not sure if this information gives you anything, but if you reply to this I'll be glad to go set up a quests.yml that you can put on a test server really quickly to duplicate the results.
Another thing I just found. When the player leaves and rejoins, this shows up in console:
That's where "null" appears.
The null values do seem to be the indicator of the issue (and potentially several other tickets). To clarify, the 3rd screenshot is from completing the quest? Would you be able to post your quests.yml for testing?
This is the entire quests.yml with absolutely nothing changed. I didn't remove the excess quests for fear that something would change if I did.
The important things you should note:
- Killing Sewer Spiders, Killing Sewer Skeletons, Killing Sewer Zombies, Killing Cultists, Killing Angvoth, Killing Spider Queen, Killing Ratface are the only repeatable quests out of all these.
- Out of all of these, only Killing Ratface and Killing Cultists have been glitchable
- Killing Sewer Spiders, Killing Sewer Skeletons, Killing Sewer Zombies have been tested and are not glitchable
- I have not tested Killing Angvoth and Killing Spider Queen for glitchability yet but I will if you need me to.
So I guess it has something to do with whatever difference there is between the glitchable and unglitchable quests.
Bug #57 may have been related to this issue and has since been resolved. Please update to at least this dev build and check if it resolves the issue.
This bug isn't fixed with version 2.5.1-b82. Hope can be fixed soon, 4 months since I reported this bug, 4 months since my server can't be played correctly.
@MetalGearDaner Unfortunately development is slow and I have no clues as to what is causing the 'null' values. The 2 quests that @Neoblade298 was able to glitch don't have any noticeable differences from the ones that weren't glitch-able.
I am choosing to close this issue. Once again I just attempted to replicate the issue (with Quests 2.6.2) to no avail. As a significant amount of time has passed, it is possible that the bug may behave differently now or no longer exist. If you are reading this and experiencing this bug, please create a new ticket including your entire Quests folder. Thanks!
Here is the Quests.yml:
Here is the config.yml:
Still cannot duplicate. I was able to take the quest Fuel10 and relog without the delay resetting.
What are the "max-party-size" and "party-invite-timeout" nodes in config.yml from? Are they from another plugin? Or perhaps you running an older version of Quests?
Just before 2.0, Blackvein had been ramping up to allow Quest Parties/Groups (something I was looking forward to), but a bunch of the config options went missing in 2.0, and so I assumed that either it wasn't working right or he decided to scrap it.... I suspect MetalGearDaner's config may be quite old and they are simply holdovers from that time.
Maybe regenerating the config file, this problem should be solve. I'll try within some hours
I've regenerated the config and problem persist. I've been cheking everything and it seems to be a problem located on the folder Quests/data. That folder contains all the player's UUIDs. Here is an example of a player who experiments the problem:
The Quest we have been testing with is Jobs01, with has a Delay of 1 minute.
Well... I've seen that the plugins adds a null value instead of the quest name, any idea about why?
Removing this, and restarting the testing process seems to solve the problem. I keep investigating, but I hardly think that it has something to do with the way the plugin saves the information of a completed redoable quest and its corresponding delay time.
(... are the list of quests)
Afraid not - it didn't add a null value for me. I'll continue investigating. Perhaps you could try deleting and re-making the quest?
Hello? I need help with this, I have my server in stand by mode because of this problem : s
I see that player's 'completed-quests' node has several 'null' values. Try removing those.
Edit: So it would look like this -
I've removed them, and whenever the player finishes the Quest again, instead of adding to 'completedRedoableQuests' that Quest (wich is redoable), it adds to 'completed-quests' a "null" value.
Which quest are you testing with (please repost your quests.yml, it 404'd)? I was able to complete the default redo-able quest, Stone Miner, and have it added to completedRedoableQuests as usual.
Here is the entire current Quests folder:!UpgBmK7K!NMyDTorozrbh1RAfUSeipRv6KB3WtRx62H1qyLrQX-Y
We are testing with Jobs01.
Woops, try testing Jobs02 but removing the value of item required for the Quest. As a temporal solution, we have set the requirement of having a custom item wich can only be given by Staff members in order to start any delay-Quest, so that you cannot exploit the problem.
Remove the item requirement and try to test the quest with all the other files located on the folder i've uploaded to MEGA. You should have the same problem as us if it has something to do with the files of the plugin.
Sorry for the late response. I tried your quest with and without the item requirement and was still blocked by the delay. I'm unfortunately out of ideas.