Problem with a 'Shift' crafting
SoSeDiK opened this issue · 1 comments
I have the recipe:
@displayresult first
iron_nugget + iron_nugget + iron_nugget + shears
= 0% stick
@ingredientcondition iron_nugget | lore regex:&0sp:branch_[1-2]
@ingredientcondition shears | lore regex:&0sp:flint_knife
@lore &7Не самого лучшего качества,
@lore &7но и так сойдёт
= 60% stick
@ingredientcondition iron_nugget | lore regex:&0sp:branch_[1-2]
@ingredientcondition shears | lore regex:&0sp:flint_knife
@keepitem shears
= 29% stick:0:2
@ingredientcondition iron_nugget | lore regex:&0sp:branch_[1-2]
@ingredientcondition shears | lore regex:&0sp:flint_knife
@keepitem shears
= 3% stick:0:3
@ingredientcondition iron_nugget | lore regex:&0sp:branch_[1-2]
@ingredientcondition shears | lore regex:&0sp:flint_knife
@keepitem shears
= 8% fail
@ingredientcondition iron_nugget | lore regex:&0sp:branch_[1-2]
@ingredientcondition shears | lore regex:&0sp:flint_knife
@keepitem shears
When I use Shift for crafting it says that
NOTE: Recipe has more than one result, shift+clicking will only craft it once.
But it doesn't craft it and all items still present in crafting grid. However, there is an 8% chance to fail craft and in this case, items will decrease (just like without Shift). So when a player uses Shift with this recipe he can get only fail.