RedProtect Anti-Grief

RedProtect Anti-Grief


[BUG] Flag name missing for FISHING

aenaveen opened this issue · 1 comments


The name for the flag Fishing in the GUI menu for "/rp flag" is not set so it just displays Flag Name, it confuses players and they ask staff again and again about it.
I have been meaning to report this tiny fix for months now, you could include with your next 1.15 update.
Thanks for the good plugin.


it a tiny error translation, you can fix it manually. add this to your gui.conf, for example my gui.conf its called guiES-ES then, you paste this:ón: &aPermitir pescar a/n&amiembros y no miembros./n> Permitir pescar

i think that you will have the same problem with allow-potions, if it is correct, paste this:

gui.flags.allow-potions.description=&6Descripción: &aPermitir que los jugadores usen/n&apociones en esta región/n> Permitir pociones

it will be fixed. :)