RedProtect Anti-Grief

RedProtect Anti-Grief


[BUG] People can steal books + Potty items

CloudeLecaw opened this issue · 3 comments


We a running a 1.15.2 Server
with RedProtect-7.6.5-b303-Universal

in this Version strangers can steal books from book stands in other players region.
We assume that this a bug?

Here how to produce the bug:

  1. go to a stranger one where someone placed a book stand with a book

  2. click on the book stand the book to read it

  3. klick the button - take it

Result: u stole the book

We noticed also player can steal the item you put on a putty in protected region 🥉


Tryied to reprocude and strangers cant interact with book stand, making to get the book impossible...

The message says (You cant interact)


We are using latest Version of Paperspigot and Build 303 of Redprotect.

Is there a special flag or permission for Pots and the book stands? or something that allows interacting with it? - We could check for this if we would know

I tried a few differnt things now. One was creating a Region with a clear Redprotect Folder.
Result: the book and Pots wer protected.

after changeing a few flags (between the true als false) it happens that redprotect does not protect both anymore.

How i have done the checks:
i edit the Regionfile with an Editor and Change the value from true to false, some from false to true
added new flags.
after the file editing i do /rp load-all

this normaly should force the regions to be reloaded from the file right?

At the Moment i saw that bookstand Editing is possible if the allow-mod flag is set to true
in the default file, this flag is not set up.
this is confusing me, because this is not the defined description of this flag (see wiki)

This flag is false by default, not allowing interaction with mod itens inside regions. You need to enable only for public machines like spawn, public room, and other public locations. This flag only take effect on Cauldron with mod machines

Is spigot a fork Cauldron? is the book stand a Mod-Machine? :3

I still didnt got the flag that handle the flower pots..

Is there something wrong with my proccess of editing-reloading the region?


This blocks are protect with chest flag. If you remove him from private-blocks list or enable this flag, will allow the access for all.