RedProtect Anti-Grief

RedProtect Anti-Grief


Player can use X-RAY with Pistons and Composter

CloudeLecaw opened this issue ยท 2 comments


We saw how this works here
and can agree that this glitch is working

To prevent this we thought about blocking pistons in the wanted worlds.
Problem: If we set any block to the place blacklist (what would mean all other blocks can be placed) then the block is blocked but then players cant get Lava and water with the bucket.

We see two kinds of solutions here:

Way one: Redprotect fixes it that when building is false in global and some item are on the place blacklist that players can take Lava and Water with buckets...

Way two: A List in the config to disbale pistons and sticky pistons in choosen worlds.

Way tree: A list in config where we can setup disable pistons workage in defined worlds


You can use the plugin "IllegalStacking" where already fix some of the Minecraft bugs, dupes and more (including this), or wait Minecraft fix this at all.

"IllegalStacking" fixes glitch with composter and trapdoor, but composter + piston still works, and i havent found plugin to fix this


You can use the plugin "IllegalStacking" where already fix some of the Minecraft bugs, dupes and more (including this), or wait Minecraft fix this at all.