ResidenceEnter/Leave Events Not Firing Immediately Upon a Successful Login or Teleport
javacraft opened this issue ยท 2 comments
While adding Residence-specific support to our permission systems, I've noticed that ResidenceEnter/Leave events do necessarily fire unless a player moves. For example, a player warping (e.g. Essentials /warp) from one residence to another results in no events. Only after a player moves is a ResidenceLeaveEvent fired for the previous residence and a ResidenceEnterEvent fired for the current residence.
Similarly, when a player logs in to a location within a residence, no ResidentEnterEvent (or res message) is fired. Moving about also does not cause it to trigger. The only event received is a ResidenceLeaveEvent after the player leaves the zone or enters a subzone.
For now, we are trapping Login and Teleport events ourselves to force a check against Residence, but it would be cleaner if we didn't have to. I realize that not many plugins use Residence events, but for those that do, this would be beneficial.