


Can't figure out the problem

KhaarNaj opened this issue ยท 2 comments


So here is the errors YAML parser found, and then the lines.

It's from french.yml


while parsing a block mapping
in "", line 13, column 5:
InvalidResidence: Residence inva ...
expected , but found ''
in "", line 71, column 44:
... ckFalse: 'Flag %1 ne peut pas s'appliquer au joueur %2'


InvalidResidence: Residence invalide...

FlagCheckFalse: 'Flag %1 ne peut pas s'appliquer au joueur  %2'

I tried to point out the problem while comparing it to the english one, but it seems that there is no problem... I really don't know what to do.

Thanks for help.



The error is a result of using a single quote (') within a single-quoted scalar. To include a single quote in such cases it needs to be escape it with another single quote.

FlagCheckFalse: 'Flag %1 ne peut pas s''appliquer au joueur  %2'

Another option is to use double quotes.

FlagCheckFalse: "Flag %1 ne peut pas s'appliquer au joueur  %2"

but then care must be taken that any uses of backslash () aren't mistaken as the start of escape sequences.



Ok the only problem was that, don't why the parser found an error in other lines, when I finished correcting the double ' correction, there was no other error. So thanks a lot for your help :)

And thanks for this amazing plugin, really powerful one.