Can't figure out the problem
KhaarNaj opened this issue ยท 2 comments
So here is the errors YAML parser found, and then the lines.
It's from french.yml
while parsing a block mapping
in "", line 13, column 5:
InvalidResidence: Residence inva ...
expected , but found ''
in "", line 71, column 44:
... ckFalse: 'Flag %1 ne peut pas s'appliquer au joueur %2'
InvalidResidence: Residence invalide...
FlagCheckFalse: 'Flag %1 ne peut pas s'appliquer au joueur %2'
I tried to point out the problem while comparing it to the english one, but it seems that there is no problem... I really don't know what to do.
Thanks for help.
The error is a result of using a single quote (') within a single-quoted scalar. To include a single quote in such cases it needs to be escape it with another single quote.
FlagCheckFalse: 'Flag %1 ne peut pas s''appliquer au joueur %2'
Another option is to use double quotes.
FlagCheckFalse: "Flag %1 ne peut pas s'appliquer au joueur %2"
but then care must be taken that any uses of backslash () aren't mistaken as the start of escape sequences.