Scala Plugin API


Missing referenced in microexample Makefile

jbweeks opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I'm trying to work on our first Minecraft Mod with my 10 year-old in Scala, and found your repo. Thanks for contributing!

Anyway, I stumbled into the microexample, but it seems to be missing the script.

Also, the repo referenced in the Makefile no longer seems to host the sbt-launch.jar, but I found one here:

Thanks again, and looking forward to using your Plugins and API.


This is arguably covered in "built on Bukkit" mentioned in the ReadMe, but for other Minecraft mod noobs such as myself, here are the steps I took to get things working on a mac (Linux will be similar):

  1. Download Bukkit (e.g. from:, or wherever you can find it)
  2. Copy the jar you downloaded to e.g. microexample/bukkit (or wherever you are going to run it from -- one level above your relevant plugins directory)
  3. Create a script to launch, e.g. touch, and make it executable, chmod +x
  4. Add the following content in the scriptj (using the jar name you downloaded in #2 above):
     java -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar -o true
  1. Run the script once (e.g. ./ from the directory where it lives (e.g. microexample/bukkit)
  2. (It will probably fail once the eula.txt), if so then edit the eula.txt and change "false" to "true"
  3. At this point, it worked for me, YMMV
  4. profit!

I'm sorry I was unable to help you on this. I had spine surgery at the beginning of the month. I'm really glad that you have it working. Do you want to package up what you've done into a PR of some sort?

I haven't touched this in a really long time, so, updating things to latest versions (like I see you have with bukkit) would be awesome.