Vanilla Name Plates
blablubbabcDEV opened this issue ยท 6 comments
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Originally posted by Fire_Feather (May 29, 2013):
Would it be possible to add an option to make a Shopkeeper's name plate do what vanilla villagers do? By that I mean it only appears when a player has his cursor on the villager, and he is in range. I'd love to see this added as I don't like that you can only enable or disable name plates as of now!Thanks!
Originally commented by nisovin (May 29, 2013):
Not sure what you're talking about here. Minecraft has no game-world cursor, and I've never seen this behavior. Are you sure this isn't a mod?
Originally commented by Fire_Feather (Jun 30, 2013):
Does that mean you will add it as a feature to Shopkeepers? XD Sorry, it's just, the server I run is very role-play and seeing nameplates everywhere you go is a bit... Annoying.
Thanks again so much!
Originally commented by Fire_Feather (Jun 25, 2013):
Yes, I'm positive it's in Vanilla. If you simply rename a mob egg and spawn that mob you will know what I'm talking about. The name plate will only appear above the mob's head when your cursor is on him. It just creates more of a clean, realistic feel so that nameplates aren't showing through walls all over the place.
I believe it's just an nbt tag on all mobs.