


1.6.4.Bugged on my server.

blablubbabcDEV opened this issue ยท 4 comments


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Originally posted by MasterMithrandir (Dec 16, 2013):

After 1.6.4 came out, no Shopkeepers updates were released for the version untill now, my plugin had to run on compatibility mode (Being 1.6.4, and the plugin in 1.6.2)A user named DrkMatr1984 offered me a fully 1.6.4 updated Shopkeepers plugin, I decided to use it for further compatibility with items with atributes created on Epic Boss Gold Edition.His plugin ran perfectly, no problems with it, and no more compatibility mode, a few bugs were solved. But now, just a week or so after I started using his plugin, your newest Shopkeeper official beta updates for 1.6.4 have arrived, I simply replaced the updated plugin DrkMatr1984 offered to me with your latest official release.Result after the last update: All admin shopkeepers (and porvably all the rest) got severe bugs, kicking my players from the server whenever used.I know it's my fault for not waiting for an official release... but what should I do now?


Originally commented by MasterMithrandir (Dec 16, 2013):

Luckily I had a backup from some days ago and I managed to retrieve shopkeeper as I had it with DrkMatr1984's 1.6.4 updated version, So currently that's what I'm using.
PD: Also added current (''old'') save.yml file as requested by blablubbabc

        Edited Dec 16, 2013

Originally commented by blablubbabc (Dec 16, 2013):

The problem is probably that DrkMatr1984's version uses a complete different way of saving items and their attributes (as far as I can remember). Therefore shopkeepers can't read your current file which was generated that way..
So either DrkMatr1984 writes some converter which converts your current save file to our current format, or/and we put in some code to skip those shopkeepers which it can't read.

However, I took a look at your save file and about 70% of the shopkeepers seem to use DrkMatr1984's save format..

        Edited Dec 16, 2013

Originally commented by MasterMithrandir (Dec 16, 2013):

Ok, this is what I will do.
A. Ask DrkMatr198 if he might have any converter. As he also uses this plugin and updated it forhimself.
B. If not, I will be re adding all my admin shopkeepers again, using your latest version, they are quite a few, but I don't think it should be too hard. The rest of player shopkeepers are no problem, as their chests are on the same player's protected area.
In any case, I also noticed sign shops DO NOT WORK AT ALL on any version I use.
A few more details, please check this ticket:
One last simple question. How reliable are your latest ''Beta'' Shopkeeper releases?


Originally closed by blablubbabc (Jan 7, 2014)