


Problem with trades

blablubbabcDEV opened this issue ยท 2 comments


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Originally posted by snowfox12 (Mar 6, 2014):

What is the issue?Please provide any additional information below.
I use a 1.6.4 MCPC+(forge/bukkit) pixelmon server, when I installed this it worked fine, I left my server running all night and when I restarted it, I can make a shopkeeper villager, but I cannot interact with it at all. I can't right click on him, And I cannot edit the trades, As the interface doesn't show up.
if it is something I am doing wrong could you please be so kind as to enlighten me? I think this plugin is a really great plugin and I love using it.


Originally commented by blablubbabc (Mar 6, 2014):

Well, do you habe any hints for me? Because I don't have any experience with "1.6.4 MCPC+(forge/bukkit) pixelmon servers" and all you are saying is, that "it doesn't work"...

Do you have any errors in your log, or do you get any helpful messages in the log when you turn on debug mode in the config? Maybe something is blocking the interaction, either some plugin or some mod..


Originally commented by blablubbabc (Dec 7, 2014):

Everything works fine on craftbukkit and spigot so I assume that it has to be related to the server mod you are running.