Add an event for when a trade is completed
blablubbabcDEV opened this issue ยท 2 comments
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Originally posted by LeoFSU (Dec 23, 2014):
There should be an event which fires once a trade is done. It would give you the two itemstacks involved and the player. While I could just fork your plugin and add the stuff I need to do in the onPurchaseClick method, I feel that this might be needed by other plugins as well.
Originally commented by blablubbabc (Dec 30, 2014):
Checkout v1.39: I added a ShopkeeperTradeEvent (if you want to cancle a trade because of additional conditions) and a ShopkeeperTradeCompletedEvent (if you want to do something after the trade was actually processed (and not cancelled) by the shopkeeper).
Both events have a reference to the original InventoryClickEvent which should allow you to get the involved items.
Edited Dec 30, 2014