Shopkeeper deletion
blablubbabcDEV opened this issue · 8 comments
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Originally posted by Craiie (Jun 4, 2015):
Hello I am currently using Version: 1.57 for Shopkeepers and my fiancee was setting up a shopkeeper that sold heads. He copied the area with world edit to somewhere else and the villagers next to the heads became regular villagers after a server restart. We then realized all the villagers either disappeared or turned into regular villagers. We truly do not know what we did wrong, or if there's anyway to get back our files, but I would like to fix it before trying to recreate it. We also tried to fix it, they stayed but after restart the villagers we set up (which luckily was only 2) broke again.We'd love to know how to fix this. There isn't even any errors in the console for this plugin, or anything in the save.html file.Please provide any additional information below.
Originally commented by blablubbabc (Jun 4, 2015):
You copied the shopkeeper villagers with world edit? Or did you only copy the area and then freshly set up the shopkeepers?
In the first case, if world edit copied the villagers, it makes sense that those copied villagers are not related to the Shopkeepers plugin. You cannot copy the shopkeeper villagers with plugins like world edit.
Other than that, I am only aware of shopkeeper villagers duplicating (and the duplicates becoming normal villagers) if the server isn't properly shut down / if it isn't stopped via the stop command.
Do you experience this issue even with freshly setting up the shopkeepers and restarting the server by properly shutting it down first via the /stop command?
Originally commented by Craiie (Jun 5, 2015):
We just copied the land around. And it do not happen just where we copied it, all the villagers set in all our worlds ( all 87 of them) just turned into regular villagers with names above them, untradeable.
Originally commented by blablubbabc (Jun 5, 2015):
So maybe you have violently stopped the server, or the server crashed?
Can you reproduce the issue if you freshly setup some shops and then stop the server via the stop command?
Did the shopkeeper villagers themselves turn into normal villagers, or did they create duplicates of themselves (with custom their custom names etc.), while the shops are still working? In the first case: did you maybe reset/clear/modify/restore-to-backup the save.yml file inside the shopkeepers plugin folder?
Without explicit information on how I could reproduce the issue on my test server I doubt that I can help you much besides mentioning possible/known causes for the issue you describe.. :(
Edited Jun 5, 2015
Originally commented by shaliquinn (Jun 9, 2015):
OK after some (a lot of testing) that seemed to not really help :< but I will say this is one of the very best plugins I have worked with (obviously a few bugs still) but once you get it all fixed it will be amazing well done <3
and ty you saved me so much hassle by making this
Hrmm Stil trouble shoting thie issues. If I get it resolved I will be sure to let you know how <3
also if you need more information on this I can add you to our whitelist let you poke your nose about some :)
Edited Jun 9, 2015
Originally commented by blablubbabc (Jun 12, 2015):
I will close this ticket now, as declined. The server needs to be properly shutdown.
Originally commented by shaliquinn (Jun 8, 2015):
Oh wait this is the same issue I am having. No improper shutdowns and proper saves before we even shut it down.But it has nothing to do with copied villagers in my case.
Blab if you want our server it currently whitelisted but I can add you if you would like to take a look :)
Update- Ok I feel dumb now ;)
evidentally in McProhosting (lots of bugs there) the "Stop" feature doesn't run /stop sigh lol not a fault of yours ty for the aid! Seems to resolve this.
Edited Jun 8, 2015
Originally commented by blablubbabc (Jun 9, 2015):
Good to know!