Strange Bug
blablubbabcDEV opened this issue ยท 9 comments
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Originally posted by MasterMithrandir (Jun 10, 2015):
Shops are showing up more slots than actually existing trades. This is not a critical issue. Just something strange happening whith shops.Here's my usual video: version: 1.8.6
Shopkeepers version: 1.59
Originally commented by blablubbabc (Jun 10, 2015):
Hm, I currently cannot reproduce this on my test server.
Does this happen to all kinds of shopkeepers, or only admin shopkeepers?
Does it happen in certain situations, like when the plugin/the server is reload/restarted?
Does it reoccur or only happen once after the update?
Is there anything strange with those shops in the save file?
Originally commented by MasterMithrandir (Jun 11, 2015):
More details about this issue:
- Still happening after restart.
- Happens only whith Admin Shopkeepers (Confirmed, at least I tried whith a few player sign shops and they wheren't presenting any issues.)
- Happens whith all players and ranks including OP administrators.
- I am using your last bukkit approved build.
- As for anything strange, yes... I think so, take a look at this:
This is one of the shop data's from the "Cura" shop I show on the video. It seems to have a second trade slot whith nothing in it.
The weird thing is that as you can also appreciate on the video, when I open it on edit mode, the issue temporarily dissapears.
Originally commented by blablubbabc (Jun 12, 2015):
It should save instantly after you have closed the editor window of a shopkeeper. If you have debug mode enabled you should get a message when it saves. Could you check if the issue does not reoccur after you have closed the editor window of a shopkeeper with this issue (so that the empty recipes are gone) and a saved occured (and the empty recipe is no longer there in the save file then)?
I can then add a check in the next version to skip those empty recipes during loading.
Edited Jun 12, 2015
Originally commented by MasterMithrandir (Jun 12, 2015):
Yes, I'm quite sure that the extra blank slots issue doesn't re-emerge after opening the editor.
Originally commented by blablubbabc (Jun 12, 2015):
Check out v1.60 and let me know if this fixes the issue for you.
Originally commented by blablubbabc (Jun 11, 2015):
Have you by chance switched back to some older version of shopkeeper (v1.55 or below) after already running one of the newer ones?
I can reproduce this once by switching to an older version (because the save format was slightly changed).
However, after fixing it by going into the editor window the next save overwrites those empty recipes and it won't happen again.
For you the issue reoccurs after every restart? Have you save-instantly enabled in the config / Do saves happen before you restart the server?
Originally commented by MasterMithrandir (Jun 12, 2015):
Yeah, when I was in 1.55 and tried out 1.56-ALPHA (The big mistake) I went back to 1.55
I did suspect this could have something to do whith it.
save-instantly: true
As for saves before restart, I think they don't occur in most restarts (If ever)
Can't spot any saves before restarts on the log files.
Edited Jun 12, 2015